(en) FAU-IAA, Direct Action #226 Nov/Dec 2014 - Content + Editorial (de)

(en) FAU-IAA, Direct Action #226 Nov/Dec 2014 - Content +
Editorial (de) [machine translation]

From the contents ---- Business and Society ---- "It is clear that the BAYER democratic 
Must be placed under control" -- In an interview with Axel K?hler-Schnura of the Coalition 
against Bayer Dangers (CBG) .. 3 ---- Union-busting begins on a small scale -- Fight 
against union structures .. 5 ---- Working in Leipzig Gastronomy -- Report of ASJ Leipzig 
wage levels .. 6 ---- Restrictions and protest -- Sex workers need union solidarity .. 6 
---- Jail as a union-free zone? -- For the full trade union freedom behind bars! .. 6 ---- 
More than horny little company -- Update: Organized Unionized companies .. 7 ---- Zeitlupe 
---- And the wheels do not steh'n still ... - ... if the employee wants it! -- The "active 
strike" in LIP 1973 .. 8 ---- Globals ---- When the militia rings three times -- Racist 
violence in Andalusia .. 9

Direct action instead of social partnership Mauschelei -- Who struggles of indigenous 
communities around the country more to do with our relationships, as a may suggest 
culturalist view first .. 10

Only slowly -- Ukrainian trade unions since independence .. 11


Solidarity with Kobane, but how? -- The fight against the IS, the Left in
Germany is facing unprecedented challenges .. 12


"Louise Hires A Contract Killer" -- The new treatment of the financial crisis .. 14

The birth of syndicalism ... -- ... from everyday life: read ?mile Pouget .. 15

"Because the noon rush of the executive suites such as stones" -- Ralf Burnicki & Findus: 
high they live, the anarchy .. 15


Love Reading, these days is written back to the labor dispute between German railway and 
GDL strike a piece of history. Likewise, it is about the future of the right to strike. 
Even in the coalition agreement was agreed, "the association and collective pluralism to 
draw on track" and "the principle of the bargaining unit after the operation-related 
principle of majority rule" to bring about by law. It will then depend on which most 
members of trade union has been in operation. How exactly should look like and whether 
such a law would stand before the Federal Constitutional Court, is still uncertain. One 
thing is nevertheless certain: It's all about the mood that is currently widespread. 
Therefore, we also support the strike newspaper that would have to be resolved. Various 
trade union and political actors in solidarity with the strike of GDL herein and speak out 
clearly against interference with the freedom from. We as FAU could be affected by changes 
in the law.

During the strike does what he is there, namely effective, this policy is now called. 
Willingness to succor the bosses also expressed the same labor and social affairs Nahles 
of the SPD, the collective movement to the proletarian humiliation, according to Max 
Uthoff, comedian, in Neues aus der Anstalt .

In this issue we have a view but wander a bit in the social movement outside of union core 
areas of activity. There are still plenty of designs, such as economic and social 
processes might work otherwise. After alternative movement and solidarity economy haunts 
for a good 10 years, the term "common welfare economy" through the country, dominated by 
the Austrian Attac member Christian Felber, which propagates on the lecture his concept as 
an alternative to capitalist market economy and a centrally planned economy. Essentially, 
it is a matter of finding companies that perform a balancing of the public good values. 
Later, the company will be supported by the state and preferred. From traditional union 
struggles is not out of the question, it is now a "an economic model for the future". It 
also acts a bit as if it will detract from social distribution struggles and we prefer to 
rely on the good will of decision makers. It does not surprise that Felber is to be found 
in the pool of speakers agency of Bertelsmann. Meanwhile appeared on the "Development of a 
model to promote the general welfare economics" in labor Conventions Government of 
Salzburg - a coalition of ?VP, the Greens and the economically liberal and populist Team 
Stronach. It will be interesting.

Despite everything, not only skepticism is appropriate in experiments. Experiences are 
important to any other company to think at all.

Wants some new thinking in reading the output

Christian Horn

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