(en) Canada, UCL, Collectif Emma Goldman, Death Plan: the
destruction of the environment sold off for multinationals. (fr)
[machine translation]
While the Liberal government of Philippe Couillard password utilities with an ax, his
minister of natural resources, Pierre Arcand, was reassuring for their friends
multinationals. The public investment in projects of Death Plan will bel-and-well remain
intact. Investors have asked Couillard could not refuse. As mentioned Arcand: "Investors
are interested. They say: "We are interested, but if we invest, we must be able to have
infrastructure" . The companies will give back a ridiculous percentage of their billion
profit in royalties to the government. They also want that tax dollars are paying their
facilities that will enable them to extract from the ground all that money. We all know /
how all the circle is complete. It is the people who pay to decontaminate the sites
abandoned once the project is completed. Thus Quebec is grappling with 698 abandoned sites
for a bill of $ 1.2 billion. The government has no plans to eliminate this problem ... The
reality is that does not resolve the situation by charging mining companies for their
ecological disasters.
But rest assured, the government is all for the welfare of populations 'Nordic', as we
recall again the sinister natural resources '' the government simply can not "abandon
two-thirds of the territory of Quebec, "as did the governments in the past. "Northern
people need" Plan Nord ' . That is surely well be that the First Nations were not
consulted and that projects like Arnaud mine in Sept-Iles generate much discontent in the
Of course, all this is only ornament. The only words that come out of the mouths of
politicians is to praise the Quebec mining potential and possible benefits for the state
coffers. That is why the government created the Soci?t? du Plan Nord and the Northern Plan
Fund, both dedicated to mining development. The rest, that is to say the well-being of
people affected by this disaster is part of a speech to social acceptance looting of
natural resources and the destruction of the Quebec environment by multinational financed
with money citizen-ne-s. Besides the few jobs created for the local population, the jobs
will go to engineering firms based in non regions 'Nordic' to borrow the words of Arcand
The austerity, but not for mining. Couillard The government will pay $ 20 million with the
help of public funds to finance a feasibility study of the railway project between the
Labrador Trough and Sept-Iles. He certainly does not want to remember that the Caisse de
d?p?t et placement and Canadian National had concluded that the project was not feasible
during subsequent evaluation. The construction of the railway could cost up to $ 4
billion. Let's add to that the infrastructure paid for by public funds for mining, such as
the route offered to Stornoway for the project of Fox mine (hundreds of millions). Height
of insult is the retirement of employees in the public sector who will pay a portion of
the funding for Stornoway to plunder the north. The Caisse de d?p?t et placement, among
other institution that manages public pension and QPP (1), helped to finance the project.
In response, other possibilities exist:
Passage of a text on the libertarian decay written by a fellow member of the Anarchist
Federation in Rennes.
To read the entire text.
Each e-knows what would mean an attempt to decrease in current society, that is to say, a
deeply unequal society: rising unemployment, increasing social inequality, recession,
chaos ... without solving environmental problems. Restrictions on the most vulnerable,
drastic measures damning the common people ... without reducing the luxury of the
privileged classes.
Only a decrease in libertarian society can both enable the resolution of environmental
problems and the emancipation of the human. That is to say, controlled by decreasing the
population. The first feature is the location of the economy. It is not possible that
every day, tens of thousands of tons of goods are transported over tens of thousands of
kilometers; world trade will inevitably shrink. And it is absolutely not in the interest
of multinationals to return to local or regional trade as they have, instead, encouraged
the globalization of trade. Capitalism, as we know, can not be conceived as a large scale.
The only location of the economy that is sustainable is therefore one that would provide a
generalized self-management of the company. Indeed, increasing production volumes is only
interesting for private companies, as profits increase proportionally. Producing more is
work more. Or half of what we produce is useless or harmful or dangerous. A population
which has, generalized self-management, control of production, would have no incentive to
maintain waste which is based on capitalism, no interest in producing agricultural
products that arrive directly to the landfill, goods slightly durable, non-repairable,
toxic products, gadgets, disposable or arms (which is the ultimate disposable).
Between work eight hours a day to alienate, intoxication and self-destruct, and work four
hours a day to produce socially useful goods and to recreate solidarity, friendliness, no
one should hesitate to choose the second solution. Bulimia property, consumerist frenzy in
which we are immersed are a miserable mechanical compensatory our frustrations, our malaise.
1. R?gie des rentes du Qu?bec.
Meanwhile, the government sent the police to bludgeon the opponent es the Death Plan.