(en) ALTERNATIVA LIBERTARIA/FdCA - Reflections by the Committee Inhabitants of San Siro (it)

(en) ALTERNATIVA LIBERTARIA/FdCA - Reflections by the
Committee Inhabitants of San Siro (it) [machine translation]

In recent weeks we have witnessed a growing campaign at national level, special focus on 
Milan and Rome, around the theme of the house and in particular with respect to the issue 
of housing occupations, and more generally with respect to the life and problems of our 
territories, often far from the bright windows of the center of the metropolis. ---- In 
many, journalists and politicians in various capacities have fanned the flames of an 
uncomfortable situation that unfortunately we live in neighborhoods really, but we believe 
it is far more complex and extensive as is represented instrumentally. ---- What no one 
has said, for example, is that neoliberal policies and austerity of the Government Renzi 
and a political class as a whole less and less representative and increasingly committed 
to divide the profits of speculation, big event or great work shift, are devastating lives 
and territories, creating exasperation in those places who animates them and lives.

Jobs Act, good school, house plan, unlock Italy, are all measures that operate in a 
definite direction: delete all the few remaining rights, to pay for the crisis to those 
who already do not have anything, erase the fact thousands of people from life public of 
this country.

In this context of hunger, poverty, ignorance and despair here comes from the cylinder 
paper of the foreigner, the poorest, the occupant of the house, the scapegoat of choice, 
ride a duty to information that is increasingly true and its organ and system in the 
service of power systems. The anger just and worthy of suburbs and neighborhoods left on 
their own, with no facilities, no public transport, no places for socializing, is 
unleashed downward, toward those who are worse off than us, those most easily expendable, 
if not we can direct it to the real culprits every day we try to immerse ourselves in the 
contradictions, to guard the territories, to sow culture and antibodies, to prevent these 
abuses become something more structured and controllable by those who, Salvini, Borghezio, 
Wolves or Renzi it, has varied interests nature so that this anger remains only a matter 
"belly" and does not turn instead into a form of social opposition real and organized.

Compared to the house, the one that no one has tried to bring out, too busy to campaign or 
to make headlines, are the responsibility of this situation and the total inability (or 
will?) To give concrete answers to the housing crisis, relegating all to the sphere of 
mere problem of public order.

The housing plan of the Minister Wolves, who, in words, much cares about our city, does 
nothing but give millions of Euros in Gift speculators and building speculators, 
completely cutting the opportunity for low-income and hardest hit by the crisis build a 
decent life for themselves and their loved ones.

The cancellation of residence, for example, prevents the facts to hundreds of children to 
enroll in school or to have a doctor; the separation of water, electricity and gas, goods 
essential for anyone, condemning entire families to a forced return to the Middle Ages.
Here, Aler and prepare Region thanks to this law a massive sell-off plan of public real 
estate, just at a time when most would rather find an affordable home to thousands of 
families who can no longer make ends meet to end of the month.

They do also to recover those 400 million euro that the same vertices of Aler, through 
scams and consulting gold, created by years of mismanagement, thus paying robberies and 
mechanisms of patronage to those who simply need a home or to 'inquilinato you see 
continually increase the rent, reaching figures that populate have very little.
Leave thousands of vacant housing and heated, 8400 are only those of public building in 
Milan, hiding behind the excuse of technical adjustments and maintenance, when about 
20,000 people on the waiting list tens of thousands under threat of eviction for arrears 
and thousands innocent you probably do not even have the requirements (absolutely crazy 
and discriminatory) needed to get on the list and be awarded a home, for another thing, if 
it happens, however, takes place after a waiting even years.

It 'clear that if there are thousands of homes left empty and heated, and thousands of 
people who need a home, develop in an absolutely natural mechanism of re-appropriation of 
these accommodations.
As a family man, what woman, man or child, would want to live under a bridge, perhaps 
after a life spent working and paying taxes to inflate salaries of some official, to every 
corner of our streets are left empty apartments in rot waiting to be sold instead assigned?
And do not come and speak to us of racketeering and "red estate": we are the ones, the 
committees for the home, including the only ones to take publicly and forcefully word 
against mobsters and speculative mechanisms, like those of Aler, that develop in 
neighborhoods! Are we to publicly denounce the shame of seeing desperate people, that no 
other possibilities are forced to pay large or small jackals without dignity, who enrich 
themselves by opening that houses the body responsible guiltily leave vacant. We always 
take us to day to day land racketeering, in the streets, talking to people and saying that 
the housing, health, education, mobility must be for all and all, and to be free and not 
tied to speculative logic!

Then there were to tell that with the plan evictions, 200 per week seems, trying to 
resolve an alleged emergency in neighborhoods; we are not stupid and we understand very 
well that the real emergency, the housing is not their fault, of Aler, region and 
municipality, and that these evictions only serve to liberate the housing and then sell them.
Assigning the houses, and all at once, to those who need it, we solve the housing problem 
of this city, not selling and doing evictions, which are among other things a big 
business, which is to cost thousands of euro ( often far more than it would cost to do the 
necessary maintenance to the apartments); and it does not take a genius to figure out that 
evicting you provide the racket can multiply the gain of each apartment!

We have heard of army and vigilantes: our neighborhoods need livable squares and cinemas, 
theaters and sociality, solidarity, stores and shops, not to be militarized, not for 
families and children traumatized and taken to centers first reception, no tear gas fired 
cs courtyards, not tenants of the buildings and terrified with the heads of some easy 
routes from baton riot cop.
To fan the flames and tries to create a war between the poor, we say that if they had 
implemented policies series, instead of thinking only to chairs and earnings, we would not 
be in this situation. It 'easy to blame those who are a little bit worse than us, the 
evicted, the boyfriend, the migrant, the occupier of necessity, etc ..., we begin instead 
to blame in this situation who has surgically and meticulously placed.

We must all have the courage to break this mechanism, revealing the private interests and 
incompetence that have generated so much misery and pretend that money, our ones, those 
who have stolen, they are used for those who need it and right; for the housing crisis, to 
redevelop our neighborhoods, to a public school, quality, health and income. Not for great 
works unnecessary and major events or warplanes: those are only for those who continue to 
enrich us starves.

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