Denialation: The Idiocracy Killed Democracy

Hairless monkeys have no natural defenses, just their brains to keep them safe. I think we all see where this is going...
Corporate Colonization created the Idiocracy. Junk food and junk culture were readily proferred antidotes to the inevitable boredom and stagnation resulting from over-specialization of skills and the dumbing down of every job function to the lowest common denominator. A human assembly line, literally. Every complex corporate job function gets broken down into subtasks then automated or outsourced. Large companies have no tolerance for idiosyncratic complexity - it presents a major risk to consistent profitability. The job of management is to systematically eliminate risk and complexity. 

Young people spend inordinate sums training for entry-level jobs in this modern assembly line, only to find that their training has a shelf life measured in months. They adapt and re-train but inevitably fall behind the learning curve. Their jobs become obsolete. So then they trade down to a less complex job function with less pay and do that for a while, until that one becomes obsolete as well. The cycle continues until the entire economy is littered with millions of virtually identical low-skilled, low paying McJobs offering zero upside. No one can compete with the Third World forever. And with the cost of capital stuck between 0 and 1% for over a decade, no one can compete with the free cost of automation either. Small businesses, which create the majority of jobs, retain profits locally, and encourage far greater diversity of job skills, have minimal chance of surviving. All a function of "low prices" at Walmart aka. imported poverty.

On the human side of things, what is left at the end are underpaid burned out zombies wholly incapable of thinking for themselves much less guiding the future of their country. It's the ideal unquestioning corporate Idiocracy at the ready to serve a few hundred global oligarchs and their corporations, run by ever-fewer stooges. Democracy devolves into a recurring charade consisting of political bukkake whores sporting approval ratings of 8% with oversight from a corporate-owned infotainment media staffed by mannekins with the IQ of a fucking doorknob.

The liars have 8% approval, but the lies have 100% approval.

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