Day 1: I woke up at about 4 am freezing. So I put on a second pair of pants, a sweatshirt, and my slippers before attempting to burrito myself. I woke up and I felt so crappy like I had to keep telling myself "just put on pants", "just grab the goulash", "just get on the bus". When I got to school I was a wreck. I was no fun to be around my friends kept tellin me "just forget you don't feel well" and I tried but it sucked. At the end of the dish party (potluck), I could not stand for more than ten seconds, I could not keep my eyes open, I was so weak. I took the biology practical in this condition and then went to the doctor. (Known in America as nurse's office). Then I tried so hard to go home. I tried to call Nadia, but I don't remember if I did or not. But somehow Sara called me and told me to take a taxi. I was like ehhh idk but ten I was like fine if I get to go home. But then they wouldn't let me go home in a taxi. So they tried to get me on the KG bus that goes earlier but that didn't work. Then Mrs. Amany, the principal, ordered me tea because I'm so special. :) Then I went back to the clinic and slept for like two hours until I could go home. (P.S. While these things were transitioning my head was on my friends stomach while she like petted my head ?? Idk it made me feel better).
So when I got home I went to bed. And I only woke up to take pills and drink orange juice. I felt like the crappiest crap in the crap pile.
Day 2: I woke up at like 10:30 am. And then I watched The Santa Clause (the best Christmas movie FYI) and The Holiday. I also wished my mom a happy birthday a day late (I had the flu gosh). Then I are a little and I slept again.
Day 3: I woke up earlier. I watched Elf and an episode of cupcake wars. And I are some more. And this day I was feeling better then I got hit with another fever thing so I slept. I also showered.
Day 4: Now it's mostly coughing so I ate normally but I stayed in bed to make sure everything was chill. So I watched a ton of crap. Yay.
So now I'm better. And my host family was really awesome this weekend. I will be going to school tomorrow. (Cross your fingers). So yeah.
Being sick sucked because I was sick but also because I didn't have my family and that sucked but I texted them a lot this weekend so it's all good.
I hope you all had a better weekend than me.
Stay healthy. Stay beautiful.