Cheikha Habiba Saghira was a algerian singer of the seventies and eighties. The adjective "Saghira" (little) differentiates her from the "big" or original Habiba, Habiba Labassia.
This collection brings together some of her best songs .
A clarification: the young and glamorous girl on the cover is not Cheikha Habiba Saghira .
01 Nebghi Nechreb
02 Bghou Issaoutouni
03 Rabbe Ykhallasse
04 Ould Bladi
05 Cherbi Maaya
06 Lebhar Aliya
07 Galbi Frah
08 A Yamina
09 El hob eddani
10 Bkou Maaya
11 Bghain hannouni
12 N'dirou hafla
13 Ensal fik
14 Sahbi dar aliya
15 Dour amouri
16 Chira ghaydhana
17 Yasker Ou Yebki