Butterfly Gift Set

I realise that sometimes my enthusiasm for Lush may come across as both strange and rather annoying at times - especially to most 'normal' people, who just cannot understand why a person would hyperventilate over a shower gel or glorified ball of bicarbonate of soda. 

However, my persistent gushing over Lush products, as well as being caught most days buying from the Lush site, has meant that both children and adults at my school are starting to catch on about what 'Miss Wright' loves. This means that rather than the chocolate I usually get (that ends up going to friends and family), I am starting to receive Lush gifts, which is so much better.

This week we had secret Santa at work, and I was rather chuffed when I received this lovely gift set as my present. While it's the smallest Lush set that I have ever owned, it features two wonderful products that are perfect remedies for my currently worn down skin. 

Butterfly Gift Set is a regular item from Lush - featuring the wonderful Ro Argan's Body Conditioner and Sultana Of Soap - two items that are packed full of essential oils to moisturise, nourish and condition the skin. 

This is a gift set for those who appreciate rich, luxurious fragrances as both of these products have very distinctive smells. Ro Argan's Body Conditioner is a wonderful sweet-rose scent - sharing it's scent with the Rose Jam family. Sultana Of Soap is a mild but equally delicious fruity soap that is packed with dried apricots, currents and raisins. 

This is a perfect little gift for those that want a small slice of Lush to test out the water. For those unfamiliar with the company, this set is a perfect first step into the wonderful world of Lush Cosmetics. This is the best Secret Santa gift that I have ever received. 

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