Blog Reader's face is causing her sleepless nights

Hey Pretty Eme,i don't know u personally but i must say your hard work is inspiring in every way. I refresh ur blog severally in a day and i want to share a problem i have got. I know your blog is not a beauty or skincare blog but as a faithful reader,i knew no where else to go.

Last year at around this period pimples started feasting on my face,so i bought stuff like funbact a,nixoderm and skineal they bleached me and did nothing for my face,i am dark.

So i stopped using all of those stuff and left my face the way it was. Fastforward to this period my face has gotten so bad continuosly with pimples leaving me with a scaly face and dark spots.

 I stay in the north and i am a mass communication student my real issues started when i was suppose to take up hosting a show that was to be produced live as a class production and after several rehearsals they lecturer said to me "i hope that you know that with all those things on your face you cannot be the host of this show",i did not even realise it was that bad.

I had to fall in the audience,i am in the north and there are very few skin clinics,i visited one and i was told to pay 8000 naira for just a test,the truth is i cannot afford even half of that. My skin has gotten so bad that when people see me the ask me what is this on your face? Someone even called it disgusting,i hear things like You don't look like yourself. My mom told me that i look scary now,even my 4year old younger brother touched my face and asked me what is this?

Truly to be honest,it has killed me so much inside that going out seems to be a punishment for me,every night it bothers me deeply. I hope u post this on your blog so that anyone that has had issue with bad skin will offer me a valuable advise on what to do.

 I can't afford any expensive product or afford checking
back at the clinic and by the way,i really do take care of my skin and i don't even apply heavy make-up,powder is the limit. This has really killed my confidence in so many ways,i wish i could go further to narrate my humiliating experiences but i don't wish to be pitied,i just need helpful suggestions,because seriously this has left me in series of depressive moods and i really do need help. 

Thank you and God bless!

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