Mahsun Shepherd,
Ugur Ozbay, Suleiman Castle, Baver Sahanogul of Mahmoud Anas, Turan Slow, Hussein Ahmed
Dakak, Hasan G?ky?z, Riyadh Sun, Yasin B?r?, Murat Mountain, Cumal Sun, Mesut Violet,
Hakan Hey you, Sinan Toprak, Bilal Gezer, Abdulkarim Seyhan, Farhad Ibrahim Elduvei?
Abdullah Mohammed Latif, Kerem Karaaslan, Bashir Remeze Arif, Emrah Demir, Ahmet Colonel,
Mert miller, Hamdi Caner, Yunus Aktas, Moses Day, Solomon Balci, Love Buyer, Omar pale,
Falcon Daghan, David Nasr, Kamil Stone, Joseph Steel, Mehdi Erdogan, Necmettin Steel, Ali
Impairments, Emre Ekinci, Ramadan ?zmask that, Omar lame, Kadri Bagd, M rh Senyuva,
Sehabettin Nashe, Aynur Kudin, Ekrem Ka?arogl
September 19 - Kobani'yi the PLA indicates that they are in a great resistance against the
attack of Isidor gang Co-chairman Salih Muslim Muhammad said that "if what for whom
Kobani'yi do now must be done," he especially Urfa, Suruc and tribes in Ceylanpnar in the
region and called on the mobilization of everyone in the city.
September 19 - Isidor, who left their villages due to attacks from crossing the border
Koban?l 3 thousand families TC pepper gas was blocked by soldiers and their TOMA attack.
Attack the push of a woman in her 50s while mine was seriously injured.
September 21 - TC Rojav to support the revolution of the ISID gang wanted to drown under
attack in solidarity with the people and thousands of Amed Kobani'yi to demonstrate their
response to gang attack people gathered in front of the Provincial Organization DBP.
September 21 - Kobani'de, Isidor gang to escape from soldiers attacked public employees.
Soldiers attack resulted in 13-year-old Bilal Sexo, was seriously injured stepping on the
mine; The 13-year-old Fatma Izettin Hes gunned down by soldiers who were seriously wounded.
September 22 - Kurdistan in many parts of Hakkari (Semdinli, Y?ksekova), Srnak (Cizre),
Igdr, Van, Mardin and Rojava of Isidor gang in Dersim to protest attacks on the Kobani'yi
cantons took to the streets. Clashes between the police and public places took place.
September 25 - HDPE and socialists in Turkey, a large group of communist and anarchist
organizations, visited the border for days while people in seizure resistance.
Revolutionary Anarchist's facilities, including group activities, Kobani'yi resistance of
the peoples and of themselves good resistance said it was good.
September 26 - Kobani'yi limit to the crowd from different cities, across the border in
M?rsitpnar experiencing the most intense conflicts Koban?'y entry. Kobani'yi within the TC
after trying to cross the walkway, gendarmes attacked near mined areas.
September 26 - Urfa Suruc thousands of Eliza spent the night at the border village about 3
kilometers to the east boundary of the people created a human chain at the neck.
September 26 - Koban?'n 2 km west of the village who wanted to cross the border point in
Tilseh Suru? 3 Kobanel was scanned from scorpion type vehicles by Turkish soldiers. He
lost his life in the attack on 35-year-old Ahmed Syed Ahmed, the brother Kemal Sayyed
Ahmed and Impairments Berkel is a Koban?l wounded.
September 28 - Istanbul police attacked a solidarity action with the Gazi district
Kobani'yi. Veterans people resisted against the police for hours.
September 28 - Kadikoy Pier gathered in Besiktas, has made many women's organizations,
including anarchist women walking Koban?'y support at this event. Bahari Walking Street
during the banners hang from a building in the women, it was attempted to prevent
harassment by the police and walked towards the AKP building here.
29 September - Istanbul University Students, Scoundrel Square then to "Get out the killer
Isidor Kurdistan, NE Kobani'yi BEXWEDI the" banner hung. Isidor from the University of
supporters attacked the revolutionaries.
September 29 - Mardin Kiziltepe district while trying to cross the border in the
neighborhood Senyurt captured 3 soldiers were killed and beaten by soldiers Rojava Rojaval
from Ciwan Behcet's body was thrown from the boundary wire.
September 30 - Revolutionary Anarchists in different districts of Istanbul to show
solidarity with Kobani'yi "Em Hemu Kawana Li Diji Dehaq the" placard made a written
September 30 - DAF was also involved for many revolutionary organizations that
participated in the Suru?-Kobani'yi journey "Biju Berxwed until Kobani'yi" was the slogan
walk to the bus departure point. Following the end of the bus to go to Suru? was passed to
the solidarity action with Kobani'de Kadikoy Bull. Police walk attendees gas bombs and
attacked by a plastic bullet.
October 1 - AKP government's war against the permit issued by the council of thousands
took to the streets of Taksim.
October 1 - Batman, the police attacked those who want who want to protest against attacks
on Isidor's Koban?'y. Police tear gas and water cannons as did the last one young gas bomb
attack on the way to hit the head of the capsule as a result of dozens of people injured
and taken to detention.
October 2 - Koban?'y directed against attack "life stop" Bonds central district where the
call in Amed, Kayapnar, walls and shutters closed trades for Kobani'yi Yenisehir minibus
was run on the ignition. On the other hand, the outer districts Lice, Cinar, Ergani,
Hazro, the shopkeepers were opening their place in Bismil and Silvan business, students
boycotted schools.
October 2 - Mothers for Peace, to protest the AKP Bagclar Isidor Isidor's Koban?'y facing
attacks and Turkey to support the building was occupied by the district.
October 3 - Conscientious Association "What a Soldier What Memorandum" with the call, made
a written statement from the council regarding the permit law.
October 5 - M?rsitpnar border village next to the gate of the air has hit a home Etmank?
ball. Three people were seriously injured. Gendarmerie TOMA and scorpions accompanied
Etmank? the village, attacking the villagers evacuated.
October 5 - including the Anarchist Women's going to Suru?-Kobani'yi limit women's
organizations from different cities that border the village live shield holding vigil for
days at Beth resistance i grew up.
October 6 - Women's statement made at the border organizations. Speaking on behalf of the
Anarchist Women Narcissus Sen; "Break down borders, to create freedom of all women,
everywhere they are, we urge you to Koban?'y defense," he said.
October 6 - police attacked a solidarity action with Kobani'yi held at Chalcedon.
October 7 - After violent attacks carried out solidarity actions for the police to
Kobani'yi Van Bashkala, barricades were set up in the district, it's information that the
military police withdrew to the barracks.
October 7 - Mus Varto by police armed attack on 25-year-old lost his life Hakan Buks. Umut
Bozkurt was seriously injured.
October 7 - Sirnak Cizre border through the border crossing, hundreds of people went to
Jazeery the canton.
October 7 - Van and Mardin was declared a curfew.
October 7 - in Amed, Koban?'y solidarity against Hezbollah in different locations by a
group of people on the actions contained in gunfire, one person lost his life, also found
that people over 10 were injured, including a journalist.
October 7 - for solidarity with Kobani'yi Istanbul on Tuesday, October 7th street in the
Flat prior to the police then attacked by racist-fascist groups in 2 people were seriously
injured. Prior to the attack by racist groups "Kurds fuel our neighborhood" as rumors
spread HDPE Flat Representation and also many businesses were burned. After Racist groups
and shot injured in an armed attack occurs when brain death miller Mert, Istanbul Medical
Faculty, Capa lost his life in the Intensive Care Unit by kurtarlamayarak.
October 8 - participated in solidarity actions with Kobani'yi ring held in Ankara, police
forefinger in the air, bringing Takbir attacked.
October 8 - Yalova to the streets to Kobani'yi, fascist groups and police attacked. People
in Baglarbas attack against a resistance.
October 8 - also received a large number of people were detained, including the Koban?'y
against the eylemer solidarity against attacks by organized many home Kobani'yi Amed
police operation while DBP PMI members and councilors.
October 9 - METU attacked with tear gas ?grencilerepolis revolutionary solidarity actions
for performing Kobani'yi.
October 9 - Pistachio police and pro-fascists supported Isidor, in clashes during a
protest against the attack on the Kurdish Kobani'yi attack killed 4 people and injured
more than 20 people. Sahinbey and DBP Sehitkamil district buildings were set on fire.
October 9 - Siirt Kurtalan in which the action close to the AKP AKP mayor for Kobani'yi
guards and armed attacks Provincial Assembly members injured as a result of Necmettin has
lost Steel life.
October 9 - at Istanbul University Isidor supporters and police attacked students. 3,
including the Anarchist Youth, was taken into custody almost twenty revolutionary
students. Many people were injured.
October 9 - 26 in Istanbul, Ankara and Kurdish youth engaged in military service, joined
the action to Kobani'yi fled from their union.
October 9 - Istanbul Ataturk Airport Anarchists Against the War is also found in women's
Women's Initiative, occupied the airport terminal's external lines. Police and private
security attacking women, who performed the action took 46 women detained chuck.
October 10 - in Dersim, young people poured into the streets Kobani'yi Resistance. In
clashes with police, in the Gazi district 2 TOMA and scorpions type 2 vehicles were burned.
October 11 - Van opened fire as a result of police actions during the Koban?'y support he
lost his life and seriously injured dolphin Aktas shot with real bullets.
October 11 - Kadikoy collected for those who lost their lives in solidarity with the
resistance group held a march commemorating Kobani'yi.
October 12 - hdp'n's call for solidarity with Kobani'yi the walk will be organized via
social media was canceled due to racist groups. HDPE and other revolutionary organizations
in a press release at the entrance of Martyrs Street Cyprus has announced that they will
not allow provocations.
October 12 - Idil district of Sirnak people took to the streets in solidarity with
Kobani'yi. In Mersin, women's organizations protested Isidor's Koban?'y attacks.
October 12 - Istanbul Sargazi held in police action Kobani'yi Dayansmas the TOMA and gas
attacked with bombs.
October 13 - Pain and drove to the police despite the intense solidarity with Kobani'yi
Resistance attack in Bitlis. The pain in Dogubayazt shutters were open trades.
October 13 - Rojav not revolutionary communist Revolution Money for participating in ypg'y
Kzlbas code-named Subhi Agrnasl Nejat, was killed in clashes with Isidor.
October 14 - Adana newspaper distribution in an armed attack on his Azadiye Welat and Free
Agenda Kadri Bagd the distributor, died in hospital. Kadri is located in Beyoglu, on the
inability to identify the Bagdu hit Gazatesi Free Agenda in front of a person's identity,
including Square, where about 100 people held a press briefing at the newspaper.
October 14 - 'Terrorist Operation' in home raids in several cities simultaneously under
the name of 348 people were arrested, several people were arrested.
October 15 - Tekirdag 1 and No. 2 with 24 people imprisoned PKK and KCK case of the F-Type
Prison, began an indefinite hunger strike to support the Kobani'yi Resistance-returnable.
October 18 - including Kadikoy High School High School which is also located Anarchist
Platform Operations, held a solidarity action with Kobani'yi in Kadikoy. While walking he
discarded the slogan of solidarity with people resisting Kobani'yi was told Rojav to
Anthem. Kurdish "Serene Kobani'yi, Serene Ma Ye" (our Koban?'n's War War), "Shoresh to
Rojav to Shoresh Ma Ye" (Rojav revolution is our revolution) has moved the written
exchange action was terminated by press release.
Catalonia - On October 10, in Granollers, Granollers anarchists held a solidarity action
with the Kurdistan Solidarity Committee Kobani'yi.
Switzerland - Bern Switzerland on 18 October with a call for solidarity actions with
Kobani'yi democratic mass organizations took place. Anarchist comrades joined in Bern action.
Argentina - 10 October in Plazo de Mayo mothers, this week's actions were devoted to
resistance in Kobani'yi.
Italy - Italy on October 16 Anarchist Federation (FAI) 's act of solidarity with the
?agrclg Kobani'yi occurred. Action DAF has also been translated into Italian and Umanit
Nova newspaper reports were distributed.
France - On October 11, Anarchists and Revolutionary Anarchist Youth Federation's call,
including the Anarchist Solidarity Group, held a solidarity action in Paris.
Czech Republic - in Prague, Czechoslovakia on October 15 Anarchist Federation Consulate in
solidarity with the call to action was carried out with Kobani'yi Turkey. In Action "from
Prague to Rojava, No passage" banner was opened.
Ireland - October 9, the Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) in front of the parliament in
Dublin with the call "Em Hemu Kawana, Li Dijiu Dehaq the" banner was carried out with a
press release.
USA - on October 11 in San Francisco, with a call from the anarchist Black Cross "Isidor,
its ally the Republic government and compressing limits Rojav Revolution destroyed!" was
held under the slogan of international solidarity action.
You can reach our archive section to all counts of the square Gazette published.
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» Turkey, Anarchist Federation DAF - Meydan #22 - Kobani'yi Rojav FREEDOM FREEDOM (tr)
Turkey, Anarchist Federation DAF - Meydan #22 - Kobani'yi Rojav FREEDOM FREEDOM (tr)
[machine translation)