The Reason Why The Islamic State Has Embarked On A Reign Of Terror

Syrian soldiers about to be executed by Islamic State fighters

A Horrifying New Report Reveals The Strategy Behind ISIS's Brutality -- Zack Beauchamp, VOX

Scattered reports from inside ISIS-controlled territory have painted an awful picture of life under the militant group's rule. But a brand-new UN report, compiled from interviews with 300 people who have lived or currently are living in ISIS-controlled Syria, gives us a systematic look at the militant group's reign.

And it is horrifying.

This isn't just because the behavior documented is terrible, though it is. It's that the UN report documents a strategy, not just random brutality or religious fanaticism. ISIS's ultraviolence is designed to cement its rule by terrifying the population into submission. And it might be working.

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My Comment: The Islamic State reminds me of the Khmer Rouge and on how they consolidated power in Cambodia. Numbering only 80,000 .... and with most of these "soldiers" being young and fanatical .... the only means that the Khmer Rouge leaders had to control the country was to embark on a reign of terror and horror .... and they were remarkably successful .... until the Vietnamese drove them out of power. Bottom line .... organized terror works .... especially if the population does not believe that anyone on the outside would come to their rescue. In Iraq and Syria the Islamic State is also taking advantage of what is now a sectarian/religious conflict to keep the Sunni population in line .... warning them on the horrors that may happen to them if the Shiite militias should win control.

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