Ten on Ten

Here are my ten on ten. Ten pictures of our day (roughly one each hour) on the tenth day of the month.  Except actually there are less because, well, I have three kids and am easily distracted.  And one of the hours has two pictures because Wyatt's chubby hands playing with tiny Legos are just too cute.


Boys are dressed & fed, Daddy's at work, time for cartoons


Cartoons are over, time for school
Twins complete journals, reading & math before lunch


While brothers do school in the kitchen,
little brother plays in the playroom.

 Recent favorite?
Little Legos


Playing "scare mommy" while she washes the dishes before lunch
Wyatt is a super spooky ghost!


We've enjoyed lunch with daddy (he comes home everyday)
and are clearing the table


Quiet reading time
Two boys, twenty minutes, too many books to count


Quiet time is over, let the craziness begin
Today's afternoon activity, rocket ship adventures to the moon, of course


Crazy time is over, time for dinner prep
But first a picture of this cutie with proof of just how dark it's getting out here!

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