I have had several messages from people saying that they could not leave comments. I think I have fixed this - I had previously switched over to Google+ which requires you to have an account before leaving a comment. I have switched it back to the old platform so hopefully that will no longer be a problem.Now, back to our cross-country drive to Portland!After spending the first night in St. Joseph, Missouri, we trekked up through the rest of Missouri, barely skirted the southwest corner of Iowa and then drove across Nebraska (what a wide state that is!), with a brief stop for a visit to the Sunken Gardens in Lincoln. We entered Wyoming later that evening and stayed the second night in Laramie.On day 3, we drove across Wyoming, Utah and stopped for the 3rd night in Twin Falls, Idaho. A slight diversion to Salt Lake City for a visit to the Red Butte Gardens and Arboretum in Salt Lake City, Utah. A revelation on this trip - I did not know that Wyoming, Utah and Idaho were such beautiful states! The red-hued rock formations, cliffs, mountains, etc. were stunning. The Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City was one of my favorites. It is an absolutely beautiful and well-cared for garden. Red Butte is operated by the University of Utah, in the foothills of the Wasatch Range.We arrived in the afternoon on a brisk, cool day with a brilliant blue sky overhead. The gardens are located on a hillside with spectacular views of the city below and the mountain ranges above and behind it.
The garden has an extensive collection of conifers (69 species), ornamental grasses (30 species), a native plant area and many specimens of roses, viburnums, penstemon, and other perennials. The beauty of the garden, for me, was the way they had used these plants in creative settings. It is a memorable garden and one that I wish I had more time to explore. If you are ever in Salt Lake City, be sure to visit this beautiful place. I hope to go there again one day.
I kept noticing that the people working in the garden were all younger people and then it occurred to me that they were college students. I wonder if they realize how lucky they are to work in such a glorious place?

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy