Palestine-Israel - The joint struggle contribute to the shift in the domination of the capitalist ruling elite*

Israel was built mainly by the national socialists who owned 75% of the economy at 1949. 
Due to the dependence on imperial powers the so called socialist elite invested a lot in 
building the Zionist-capitalist elite to which it lost the power in 1977. The interest 
conflicts within the Zionist-capitalist elite started to change balance between the small 
tycoons section that supported the Zionist wish to transfer the Palestinians out and the 
capitalist section that integrated in the neo-liberal globalization who wish to exploit 
the Palestinians and the workers of neighboring countries. The restructuring of power 
relations in the global capitalism after the last crisis had its Israeli expression in the 
near bankruptcy of the Tycoon elite and the present collapse of the government coalition. 
The economic damage already resulted from the B.D.S. which is enhanced by the joint 
struggle seems to hasten the shift in the balance of powers.


Haitham Al Khatib:"Today's demo was dedicated to AL QOUDS. The participants were 
Palestinians,Israeli and ?#?Internationale? ?#?Activists?.We all decided to march towards 
AL ?#?QOUDS? to put an end to WALLS and ?#?CHECKPOINTS?. Although the soldiers were not 
violent more than usual,they threw hundreds of tears gas and bullets at us.
There were dozens of protestors suffering from it. "They intentionally threw gas DIRECTLY 
at me with a clear intention to cause damage to me.
EVERYONE who truly cherishes FREEDOM and JUSTICE should have the RESPONSIBILITY to 
WE will never give up our STRUGGLE for our LEGITIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS!
Bil'in today - 9 Israelis with the anarchists against the separation wall, many 
internationals (including A French delegation that visited the village of Bil'in with 
Mayor Onglavil Mr. Jean Doris, the delegation participated in the march, as an expression 
of solidarity with the Palestinian People and Bilin village).and Bil'iners - in spite the 
"competing" demo in Qalandia, demonstrated west of the village. Though the Israeli state 
forces succeeded to block us from even approaching the route of the older (dismantled) 
separation fence, because of the strong wind from the north, they failed to disperse us 
though they showered us with tear gas 
Mohammed Basman Yasin
Here is a short video i made today at the moment of the arrest of a Canadian guy (Jessie 
Hadad ) in the demo of Bilin. Unfortunately I couldn't film what i saw With my eyes when 
the police border was beating him.
Friday in Bil'in, 7 Israelis "Paying the rent" for the pleasure of immigrants who are 
living in Palestine... and 10 internationals joined the locals in the demonstration 
against the separation wall and occupation, confronted the Israeli state armed forces. As 
usual lately, when we just marched within the village lands, the barrage of tear gas 
started. Due to a friendly wind our way was only blocked but we were not dispersed. After 
about an hour of confrontation and a change in the direction of the wind most of us 
returned to the built area of the village.


21-11-2014, The weekly demonstration against settlements and apartheid wall with slogans 
condemning the Israeli siege on Jerusalem started at the city center and moved towards the 
village entrance blocked by a huge number of Israeli soldiers . As the protesters got 
close, the soldiers fired a massive tear gas and sound bomb attack to push demonstrators back.
Israeli new settlement plans will prevent the southern villages of the city of Bethlehem 
from reaching their city leaving them in total isolation .
Popular resistance committees in the area said that they will not stop before they free 
their village and reclaim their stolen lands.

Nabi Saleh

Friday 14.11.2014
David Reeb

Friday 21.11.2014
Occupied Palestine, Nabi Saleh 21 November 2014
Nariman AL Tamimi, Asid and Basel Al Rimawi were shot by Israeli live bullets today at Al 
Nabi Saleh village
Nariman is currently having an operation in her foot, which was hit by a live bullet. Asid 
Al Rimawi 15 and Basel Al Rimawi 24 were hit by live bullets while the Israeli army was 
violently suppressing the weekly demonstration at AL Nabi Saleh which started from Al 
Shuhada square in the center of the village and was heading towards the village lands 
confiscated by the Israeli occupation.
tens of international solidarity activists and Palestinians from the village and the 
surrounding villages took part in this demonstration.
The demonstration was under the title (Jerusalem is calling) and aimed to mark the second 
anniversary of the killing of Rushdi Al Tamimi by the Israeli army. The demonstrators 
chanted against the occupation and illegal colonial settlements and for Jerusalem, 
Palestinian political prisoners an martyrs
Once the demonstrators reached the Israeli army checkpoint at the entrance of the village, 
the Israeli soldiers started shooting live and rubber bullets in addition to gas and metal 
bombs. Nariman was injured with a bullet (called Tutu) in her foot and was immediately 
taken to Palestine health compound. A 25 year old man and a 15 year old boy from the 
village of Beit Rima were also injured by live bullets from the same type (tutu)and were 
taken to Yaser Arafat hospital in Salfit. Tens of demonstrators were hit by metal-coated 
rubber bullets and asphyxiation as a result of the Israeli gas bombs.
Haim Schwarczenberg: "Marking the second anniversary to the killing of Rushdi Tamimi by 
the IOF, residents of Nabi Saleh, including Rushdi?s family members marched to protest his 
killing and the routine killing of Palestinians by the Israeli army. The IOF fired live 
ammunition, injuring three protesters ? two from neighboring Beit Rima and another woman 
who was sustained gunshot wound to her leg and was taken to hospital in Ramallah for 



Yisrael Puterman
Ni'lin continue to resist Israeli occupation and apartheid 28.112014 - one guy, 21 years 
old got shot in the stomach with a rubber coated steel bullet from close range in Ni'lin, 
as clashes continued until 03:00pm, in spite of the several attempts to shoot and cash 
protesters, luckily no one got caught.
soon full report at
This weeks demonstration started like all other weeks after the Friday prayer under the 
olive trees that grow in the outskirts of the village of Ni?lin. As every week the 
demonstration proceeded to march towards the separation wall carrying Palestinian flags 
and chanting slogans against the wall and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggling at 
the Al-Aqsa mosque.

However the situation in the village has been escalating since June of this year Israeli 
soldiers were waiting for the protesters as they approached the wall. Before the 
demonstration had arrived at it?s destination the soldiers attacked the protest with tear 
gas canisters fired straight towards the protesters as well as rubber coated steel 
bullets. The clashes continued until three in the after noon when the protestors managed 
to push the soldiers back towards the wall.

Since June 2014 the Israeli soldiers have been attacking Ni?lins Friday demonstration near 
habituated house and sometimes even inside the village, chasing protesters with jeeps and 
shooting at houses. We believe this is an attempt to make the villagers condemn the 
demonstrations and thereby making them stop.

Many new tactics have been put in place to make the Ni?lin demonstrations come to an end. 
One such tactic has been to let snipers shoot protestors in the legs in order for them to 
be easier to catch for the soldiers. Since June of this year 13 protesters have been shot 
in the legs but so far only one has been arrested. The military has also been adding more 
snipers over the course of the months. To start with they were using one sniper during 
demonstrations but now that number has grown to three.

The Israeli military's treatment of Ni?lin and it?s villagers are aided by the fact that 
the town has received no media coverage in more than a year and a half. This has led to 
Ni?lin being a testing ground for new military tactics against demonstrations.


14.11.2014 The army was especially brutal in the last weekly demo in kufr Qaddum
Friday 21.11.2014
The mad armed forces showered the place with skunk water including the non participants 
who came back from the olive harvest, fired live ammunition while aiming at demonstrators 
and cursing out loud at us.
Then, the village answered.
Already one boy injured by tutu bullets fired on the hundreds of resident protesters in 
the weekly demo against the occupation in kufr Qaddum.
Dozens of Israeli soldiers heavily armed firing and storming us inside the village, and 
the ppl stand defiant.
Amnon Lotan
Today over 200 local participants matched in Kufr Qaddum, along with a couple 
internationals and 4 israelis.
The army invaded the village on the main road early, with a few dozen soldiers, with gips, 
gas cannons, skunk and tutu rifles. In the first hour before and after the march started 
they were very violent, firing all the above all over the main street.
At least two were shot and treated for tutu bullet injuries.
About an hour or so after the march began, the soldiers showed more restraint, and began 
to retreat even before the heavy rain set in. This led to the ppl burning even more tires 
than usual, taking advantage of a strong westerly wind that blew it all into Kdumim.
All in all, moral was very high.
Amnon Lotan
28-11-14 - Israeli army just shot a European solidarity activist in the chest with live 
ammunition at the weekly demo against the occupation in kufr Qaddum! There was no warning 
and the invading soldiers were not in any danger. Over 200 local protesters with a dozen 
Jews and internationals keep an unarmed standoff in front of the army inside the village.

Sheikh Jarrah

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood 
every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes,
the taking over of the neighborhood by the settlers, and the Judaization of East Jerusalem.
They call upon each and every person who supports their struggle to join them.
This is the eleventh Friday after Salah being jailed. Please make a special effort to come
Please make the effort and join them this November 14th, for a vigil in support of their 

28/11/14 Blocking the Jerusalem - Jericho road
Nabi Mosa occupied Palestine, demonstration faced by huge number of Israeli soldiers and 
police, demonstrations called for the end of occupation, freeing jerusalem and the 
stopping of bedouin displacement in the area. --- Palestinian popular committees 
accompanied by international solidarity activists succeeded today to block the Jerusalem - 
Jericho road to restrict the Zionist colonists and soldiers movement. The peaceful protest 
was faced and suppressed by a big number of heavily armed Israeli soldiers of all units 
who used tear gas canisters and stun grenades to disperse and oppress the peaceful 
protesters and prevent them from blocking the high way.
The main goals of the protest were to shed more light on the ongoing displacement of the 
Palestinian Bedouins from that area (H1), to confirm that occupied Jerusalem is a 
Palestinian capital and Palestinian have the full right to enter Jerusalem city freely .

Don?t say we did not know #428
On Tuesday, 21st October, 2014, Border Police units (combat soldiers) came to the Bedouin 
East Jerusalem neighborhood, A-Za?im ? Za?atara. The residents are West Bank ID holders, 
and landowners, even though Israel annexed the neighborhood to Jerusalem. They are allowed 
to continue living there but are prohibited from entering the rest of Jerusalem.
The soldiers demolished three homes and an ancient cave used as a sheepfold.
Twenty one people were made homeless.
The next day the soldiers returned and confiscated tents donated by the Red Cross, 
following the demolition.

Don?t say we did not know #429
On Sunday, 09/11/2014, a group of Palestinian children from Hebron were on their way home 
from school, when a settler driving by stopped near them and pushed one of them. The boy 
fell and was injured.
International volunteers in the area approached border units policemen in the area and 
asked them to intervene. The policemen refused. As the settler drove off, the policemen 
waved him goodbye instead of arresting him.

Don?t say we didn?t know #430

On Thursday, November 6th, 2014, IDF soldiers arrived at the Palestinian village El?Aqaba 
(near Tubas) and demolished a home and a sheepfold. Nine people were made homeless.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the home demolitions in Umm El-Kheir in the South Hebron Hills (Don?t say? #427), 
those affected received tents as humanitarian aid. On October 29th, 2014, IDF soldiers 
came back and confiscated those tents. The residents started constructing tin sheds. On 
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014, IDF soldiers came and handed out Stop Work orders.

All village homes, except four, are threatened with demolition orders.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall 
take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution

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