I started the weekend off by trying a Pinterest recipe. My bestie sent me a box of devil's food cake mix, a can of pumpkin & pumpkin flavored Hershey kisses. So I gathered those up and attempted my first Pinterest dessert.
They were disgusting.
Those pumpkin kisses are like a nutmeg bomb, and the "cookie" part was equal parts undercooked and overcooked. I know that doesn't make sense, but trust me. They were. And it was awful.
Luckily things turned around in the cooking department when Josh took over and made us pizza for date night. We enjoyed our delicious dinner while watching M. Night Shyamalan's The Village. Super good, scary movie. I love that one. And I'm not normally one for scary movies.
Saturday we had Saturday Social at the school and the boys had a great time. When we got home Josh went to the post office and brought back the best care package.
A new friend of mine (Hi Angie!) whom I met via another blog, sent me the iron I needed to combat the dizziness I have been dealing with for the last two and a half weeks. My doctor thinks that excessive loss of blood during my D&C may be responsible, and iron should rectify that. (Along with rest, which is unfortunately even harder to come by around here.)
Angie herself used to live in Bethel, and now lives near Anchorage. So when she reached out, offering to help me if ever the need arose, I was beyond touched. I knew that she got it. Having lived in the bush before, she understands my struggle.
Herself being a mama to little boys, she also understands the joy of unexpected goodies.
And her box was chalk FULL of unexpected goodies. Coloring books, crayons, stickers, candy, snacks, full size candy bars (...I may or may not have had two of those today!) plus crafts for the kids and, much to their delight, a little Lego set for each brother. They were entertained all afternoon on Saturday by those sweet little Lego creations!
And for the mama? Angie sent this beautiful set of journals by Katie Daisy (whom I love!) and a set of brand new pens. We've decided that we are twin spirits, and I am so grateful the universe arranged for us to connect!
Also on Saturday we cleaned & reorganized the playroom.
When I woke up this morning I was even more pleased with the new arrangement. My desk now looks out the window, and this view...
Well, it's quite lovely.
This week I am going to start addressing my Christmas cards (eek!) and I'm excited. We will have school as usual, plus a few extra Thanksgiving crafts. Tuesday is my birthday (Hello, 32!) and the boys are anxious to decorate the house and make me a chocolate cake.
I am mostly hopeful to start feeling better (and not so dizzy) and to allow myself the chance to rest as needed. In addition to the the iron making me feel better, I've also upped my vitamin D per doctor's orders, which will help with the darkness that is spreading across Alaska.
I will close with some inspiring words for the week...
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle
will strike you as the most beautiful."
-Sigmund Freud