Hello Fam, Sorry for the delay..Here are the giveaway winners for the studded heels & recharge cards..Thanks Belinda...* ..and Big thanks to the givers..
Shoe Giveaway...
Anonymous13 November 2014 19:06
-I want the shoe because I love heels bt cant afford dem and it would be a dream come through Xmas gift for me.kiddies02@yahoo.comOr
sandra ayode, email: sandra.ayode@gmail.comIf Anon doesn't contact me(emepretty@gmail.com) by 12 today, will give to Sandra ..
Zimama Rufus, email: ..... MTNsame girl, email: Samegirl143 @ Yahoo.com, MTN
rose powell, email: rosepowell0@gmail.com, MTN
Ade Bola, email: ......... mtn or GLO
steph park, email: parksteph69@gmail.com, GLO
brown-sugar, email: hazelnina1106@gmail.com, AIRTEL
Miss Ima, email: Imasuenekienabor@gmail.com,
Kemi Solanke, email: kemochyzy@gmail.com
Aanuoluwa B, email: belloaanu@gmail.com
ed DREAMZ, emai: Eddreamzdreamer@gmail.com
ammy becky, email: ammybecky@gmail,
Please for those who didn't indicate the network, kindly do..emepretty@gmail.com
.Rosepowell, kindly send another email..yours isn't delivering .Thanks
.Rosepowell, kindly send another email..yours isn't delivering .Thanks