Airstrikes in Benghazi, Libya as operations continue against Ansar al-Sharia militants
File photo of Libyan MiG-23UB
Libya’s militant group Ansar al-Sharia has said that it seized complete control of Benghazi, declaring the city an “Islamic emirate,” the group’s representative said.An official representative for the armed group told a local radio channel that Benghazi is now under its control.“Benghazi has now become an Islamic emirate,” said Mohammed al-Zahawi, the spokesman, to Radio Tawhid.
However, Khalifa Haftar, a retired, renegade former army general who earlier this year launched a self-declared campaign to clear the city of Islamist militants, denied the group’s claims.
“The national Libyan army is in control of Benghazi and only withdrew from certain positions for tactical reasons,” Haftar told said.“The claim that Benghazi is under the control of militias is a lie,” he said.
Ansar al-Sharia’s declaration comes a month after jihadist militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) announced an “Islamic caliphate” over their territory.