rom 11 to 23 October 2014, Djibouti was the scene of the international campaign long distance elite shooters (International Concentration for Advanced Sniping in Djibouti or ICASD). Organized by the Special Forces Group (GFS) with the support of French forces stationed in Djibouti (FFDJ), this event, created by marine commandos there twelve years, is an opportunity for snipers from all walks to compare their performance.
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» French forces in Djibouti organize International campaign long distance elite shooters
French forces in Djibouti organize International campaign long distance elite shooters
rom 11 to 23 October 2014, Djibouti was the scene of the international campaign long distance elite shooters (International Concentration for Advanced Sniping in Djibouti or ICASD). Organized by the Special Forces Group (GFS) with the support of French forces stationed in Djibouti (FFDJ), this event, created by marine commandos there twelve years, is an opportunity for snipers from all walks to compare their performance.