First book on biochemical ecology in libraries, U.S., universities, Germany, U.K, France, and other countries: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju; Введение в биохимическую экологию

First book on biochemical ecology in libraries, U.S., universities, in Russia, Germany, U.K, France, and other countries: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju;  Введение в биохимическую экологию
KEY WORDS: ecology, biochemical, natural chemicals, ecological role, chemical communication, pheromones, toxins, attractants, alkaloids, phytochemicals, bioactives, biologically active substances, ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators, allelopathy, allelopathic, plant-insect interactions, interactions, secondary metabolites, xenobiotics, pollutants, biotransformation, biodegradation, Poland, Bulgaria

See about this book at ResearchGate:


[development of ecology, chemical ecology, biochemical ecology; book, Introduction to Biochemical ecology] The significant, important role of this book in mo...:
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju; Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej (in Polish); Увод в биохимичната екология (in Bulgarian); Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologiia; Введение в биохимическую экологию (the title in Russian);

Citation online, of the book: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology (in Bulgarian), with the image of the cover of the book.

Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Biochemical Ecology]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.
This book was translated into Polish and into Bulgarian languages. The edition in Poland:
Ostroumow S.A.  "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992;
Vvedenie v biohimiceskuju ekologiju:

Bulgarian Edition:

Development of Biochemical Ecology. On the book that was published by Moscow University press:
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.),
Development of #Biochemical_Ecology. book by #Moscow_University press: ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’:

Moscow University

Moldova.  New recent citation of books written by scientists of Moscow University. The books that were cited: Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v biohimiceskuiu ekologhiu. (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology); Telitcenko MM, Ostroumov SA, Vvedenie v problemâ biohimiceskoi ekologhii. (= Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology).
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju;
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju; Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej; Увод в биохимичната екология; Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡; Введение в биохимическую экологию (the title in Russian);
Ostroumov S. A., 1986. Vvedenie v biokhimiceskuiu ekologhiu. Izd. Moskov. Univ., Moskva [book: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow University Press, Moscow, in Russian language]; Other variants of spelling of the title: Vvedenie v biohimiceskuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; in WorldCat (World Catalog) this book is under the title: Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.…/o…/442910842&referer=brief_results
According WorldCat, OCLC Number: 442910842 **
Bulgarian edition of this book:
Увод в биохимичната екология / Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡
Citation of this book in a review paper on conceptual development of science:…/publication-on-history-of-biolo……/great-scintists-and-thinkers-we…
translated into other languages:…/Citation-of-book-Ostroumow-S-A-Wprow…
Useful relevant sites, links:
Citation of book: Ostroumow S.A. "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992; [it is the Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986]. Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities.
on Introduction to Biochemical Ecology:…/259800931_Vvedenie_v_biokhim…
Posted on 2014-03-01 10:49:48,

Get this from a library! Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju. [Sergej Andreevič Ostroumov]


in WorldCatalog:;

Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju

Author:Sergej Andreevič Ostroumov
Publisher:Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1986.
Edition/Format:  Book : RussianView all editions and formats
based on 1 rating(s) 
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This the text of the review of this book that was published at the web site of WorldCatalog by an independent expert:
This - the book by Sergei A. Ostroumov (Moscow University), Introduction to Biochemical Ecology (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 pages) - is a really innovative, insightful, useful book ahead of its time. It is the first book on the subject of biochemical ecology in the world scientific literature including scientific publications in the U.S.A., Russia, U.K., Germany, France, Japan, Australia, and other countries. This book created a new science of biochemical ecology. The book covers two major areas of biochemical ecology: (1) natural chemicals that are produced by organisms and involved in interactions among organisms; (2) biochemical transformation of xenobiotics and chemical pollutants. The book  formulated new useful and fundamental concepts and proposed new terminology, e.g. ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators. It is the first book that formulated a list of biospheric and ecological  functions of natural chemicals produced by organisms. A new concept of the biosphere as an ecological-biochemical continuum was proposed. The book was translated into Polish and Bulgarian. A new, second edition of this book was published in Russian under the title 'Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology' (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1990). This unique, useful, valuable, book is an excellent contribution to ecological sciencesKEY WORDS: ecology, biochemical, natural chemicals, ecological role, chemical communication, pheromones, toxins, attractants, alkaloids, phytochemicals, bioactives, biologically active substances, ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators, allelopathy, allelopathic, plant-insect interactions, interactions, secondary metabolites, xenobiotics, pollutants, biotransformation, biodegradation,

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The second edition of this book in Russia:


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