(en) Turkey, Anarchist Federation DAF - Meydan #22 - Inside Secrets Secrets Women with Flame (tr)

 [machine translation]

Flame in Alevism research by performing a first reflecting the situation of women in 
radical feminist writer G?lfer Akkaya new "Secrets Within Secrets with: Flame of women" on 
the book we share the interviews we have done with it. ---- Square : Subject Alevism need 
an in-depth research he think about you when you book a narrative flame overlooked by 
women in front of us hard of awareness: the oppression of Alevi women. You have completed 
your book at a time how, with whom and why did you choose to share the secrets of women 
Flame? ---- G?lfer Akkaya: Alevi women of "secret" or "s?rla?t?r?l the" all other women's 
"secret" or "s?rla?t?r?l be" with overlap. The crushed-exploited women under male 
domination all over the world, the male-dominated system (patriarchy) We know that 
entering into similar process occurs. Whatever smash-patriarchal system by exploiting 
women and men up to the geographic, social, cultural differences Although women all over 
the world is also sexual, economic and political system is the name of exploitation. This 
all women's "s?rla?t?r?l the" dr. Religion or beliefs, the women, "he s?rla?t?r?l" is one 
of the key areas.

You're already secrets today, is not something that everyone knows shut up? Alevi 
community in similar situations.

In this book I have in our society, "they are free" I looked at the situation of women 
alleged. I looked at the situation of women in Alevism. I looked at the situation of women 
in Alevi institutions. And finally with the Alevi community in Turkey looked at the 
situation of women in society Flame.

Therefore, the Alevi community in front of domestic and abroad, active, I met women 
located in Alevi institutions. Thus, speakers from outside ode would read, Flame would 
have to talk through the community. In which they worked, they talked about all those 
years they gave labor organizations.

The book was completed in two years.

Alevism header wide and covers different communities in different nations at the same 
time. In your book you talk about the Arab-?epni-Tahtac?-Bektashi and Alevi Kurds. These 
soils are most exposed to the government's assimilation policy could remain in existence 
until today if it was Alevis Alevism. The state is still ongoing policy of ignoring what 
can you say about the Alevis?

Resolving a matter of methodology and perspective is very important. Now for the Alevis 
have been in love with the killer until, you know. Why is that? Alevis, mainly because of 
the mentality dominant carrier during slaughter to continue to be ignored and the history 
of republic they were giving votes to the CHP. However, other groups such as the Alawis 
also vote on the republic went to different parties. The madrasahs, the socialist 
parties-organization was the case until now, one of the parties in the Kurdish freedom 
movement components. But he shall be called the party of the Alevis was always massively 
supported the CHP. It's true. But for some reason not in love with killer sheer rhetoric 
used for Alevis. I say this thing that I think the main problem. Yet despite forty years 
of the Kurdish freedom movement (Muslim) majority of Kurds voted for the AKP and still 
gives out to those who say they do not use this concept for it Alevis. Because Alevis, 
creating even more oppressed among the oppressed group and easier to hit them.

Hometown of the idea of ??human beings as "fond enough to be in love with murderers" When 
you look in terms of declared Alevis in you face this reality: Alevis, the Seljuks from 
the Ottoman Empire, the Kurds from the Turkish nationalists killed Kemalist from everyone 
until those who belong to Islam. And in order to vote for whichever party Alevis today, 
they are murderers of the Alawis. The harm you do not see the arrogance that makes the 
nose or obvious fact that Turkey intellectuals avoid saying this.

Dozens of large and small in this region had faith we live on today. Many of these beliefs 
through the sword or Islam or have been destroyed by assimilation. A few of them survived. 
Alevism also therebetween. And the belief that has existed between remaining with the most 
population. I think it is because of the Alevi community stems from the method of internal 
organization and resistance form. Fold himself against powerful oppressors, Alevis "hidden 
resistance" They follow the same procedure. Pretending surrendered against pressure to 
abandon their faith, their faith appeared to have accepted, has conducted its own secret 
belief, this belief has been transferred to the new generation. This resistance was 
carried by most women. Women Alevism preserved, have a major role in transportation today. 
Against assimilation and massacre "you" as they resist doing, never give up on their 
faith. Alevism is why today we are talking about these and other unique forms of resistance.

What do you think about Alevism primitive society of the processing, such as popular 
assemblies at the core of the CEM, as you also mentioned the ongoing relations of 
production since and participatory rather than hierarchical social structure and your book 
to be democratic, constitute what advantages in terms of their Alevi women?

As you stated in your social structure and organization of Alevism aims to be as far away 
as possible from the hierarchy. Alevism cooker with cooker kernel between organizations, 
there is no centralization in the system. No stove is not hierarchically above the quarry. 
Because every stove pyrene and guides, suitor of another quarry is the father and guide. 
Murshid, the flame can not be the patriarch and unguided. Location, regardless of position 
necessarily a murshid everyone has piri and guide. January system which connects the Alevi 
community social mechanisms into a single ring. This mechanism is not hierarchical 
top-down, side by side intersect, is circular and an egalitarian structure.

Again Alevi Cem ceremony, which also entails similar egalitarian form of worship 
applications. Cem ceremony in the main with piri (piri woman) sit side by side. Even when 
there is no grandfather served as the main cem ceremony. Moreover, Cem ceremony is not 
involved in the main single woman. Which is responsible for making my ce during the Cem 
ceremony and who has worked with the cem service. Women takes place among these officers.

Alevi community that reflects the relations of production and social relations that for 
women it is an indisputable advantage over monotheistic religions true. Political know-how 
of the private sphere has taken place internally in Alevism. Women, as you suggested, from 
the family in society in cem ceremony, the wife can not complain to his father. Whether 
display them in society, can ask them to be punished. Penalties for sexual offenses they 
put their statutes of political organization in today Does not done with this logic?

.If A women in terms of the positive features of this structure to the male-dominated 
system (patriarchy) that eliminates, it is not a living system antagonism. I, at the same 
time believing that we live in two radical feministlerd education system of exploitation. 
For example, today we are governed by two basic economic system of capitalism and the 
patriarchy, including, we crushed, I think we exploited. Today we're talking about the 
Alevi top headlines in the early days of mankind's faith group, some of whom survived to 
maintaining social relations today. Economic system and patriarka of some Alevi community 
with this side still bear traces of these ancient societies. But unfortunately this 
ancient state was erkekle?tiril. Unlike earlier today by men erkekle?tiril an Alevi Alevism.

Now we have many discussions, as we establish the equality of men and women dream about 
how a society might not be a restructuring of labor exploitation could be the benefit of 
this ancient community. About this class of women, matriarchal societies and communities 
in which they teach their traces we have no doubt.

Women do not have all the power over the centuries ignored by the bride and beliefs were 
counted. According to the Alevi faith and culture is described as the woman is equal to 
man-mish-so-known. "Can be" is one of its most important elements. Flame of women you've 
included in your book based on the lecture What can you tell us about that?

Can be in Alevism means being above sex. What a woman, what are both men. Body, skin, 
their people, roles imposed on society has disappeared and breath, you got soul. Everyone 
there is one, is unity.

In this respect, can be a stand against sexual oppression and exploitation. Only important 
thing here is "can" not be, is that men and women can together. I have only been a belief 
that men are can, but it's not! Men and women, side by side, in the same room together, 
it's the same ce in my life. I think this is the other religion / belief in patriarka 
against women, as well as all women is a huge gain.

All of them find meaning in life, Alevism stickers forward to this unique and egalitarian 
side of the Alevi community to find money and organization, social organization must do 
accordingly. It is no exaggeration to say that the side with the current debt Alevi Alevi 
women of the community. Alevi community should cease to be a male-dominated society more 
aggravated with each passing day, the definition of women speaking in the book "should be 
returned to the core", extracts their side of equitable, should be strengthened and should 
of course insisted on being approachable. Can be female than male gender equality can be 
defined as the next higher stage.

Alevi belief murshid-piri, the source of the male-dominated field guide and taken as a 
taliplik can say with a lamellar structure. This family patriarch stratification is 
gaining strength with the state-esteem gained through marriage married woman who sees it. 
Motherhood for women in a male-dominated status defined limits. "Alevi women to be free" 
status acquired through patriarchy contrary, when rumors of motherhood may be considered 
an acceptance?

Dedelig lineage from father to son over the last Alevis we know something. But it's 
source, when Alevism, we do not know how late. In fact, most of the works written about 
Alevism is talking about Islam and its aftermath. Sources mention before in his pre and 
very little before. I "secret" I believe it is here reserved. Because ancient Alevi faith, 
and we're looking at the ancient faith usually just past the closest to us.

Maybe before another flow, there was another organization? Maybe she was going to rob from 
mother to daughter? Have them impossible? Of course not. More research should be done, but 
the ideology and methodology of this research is very important. Therefore, feminist 
research methods as the most important method here we come to the rescue of women is 
waiting for us.

The main concepts in Alevism / status can not make sense of referring to the current user. 
In Alevism "with maternity authority" in today's male-dominated society "motherhood" are 
not one and the same thing. Maternity occur authority is achieved through Pir'l to marry 
the wife of a powerful man, a relative decrease in the shadow of the power of women, 
though at the same time sitting in a second power center in the post suggests. Maternity 
authority was probably affecting women dominated society and would continue to keep the 
main power it gets from the community living in the post. And glorified himself by playing 
the key role of men and women every day that Alevism masculinisation. This is the current 
information produced by the male dominance herpes, silly, funny may seem like a fantasy. 
But what is not? Not even exciting prospect of this idea? The power of the goddess of God 
tells how many play in mythology and even about whether written history available in 
abundance. Sumerian goddess gods ?nanna'yl Enka's power struggle is a good example of what 
I tell you this.

So Alevism and only those survey on women in Alevism is not the Alevi community, you will 
have the results to help us better understand the whole social developments.

I'm making a call to women in Alevi institutions here, come hang out with this curiosity 
to the back and we'll investigate.

Personally, I'm sure something; us anything explained, not as shown. It Alevism and Alevi 
women in history. Alevism is mainly a woman and belief. Alevism and Alevi women in 
different historical, suffered injustices, oppression and a common destiny. But 
unfortunately, those flaws are not only those that live outside of our rulers, not those 
who want to destroy the Alevi, Alevi men are also responsible in this regard. Locate and 
remove the historical aspect of this social assimilation and sexual assault in the first 
Alevi Alevism debt around the neck of women, including women.

Finally Alevi women you meet "Alevism is the essence of" you can say about the concept and 
philosophy of life as they talk about? Is there anything else you'd like to add?

In fact, everything I have described "Alevism is the essence of" the discourse of the gold 
filling. But we are talking about the need to rally these: historicity and religious 
specificities are different from each other in Alevism hosts and an important part of the 
social structure inherently a continued belief in the ancient pre-Islamic. Women's "The 
essence of Alevism," said the philosophy of life they conceptualize Alevism to be able to 
look at the correct analysis is mandatory to overcome the limitations in Islam. A 
perspective that is not the source of the pre-Islamic Alevism "Alevism essence" remains 
far from understanding nude. This is exactly the essence of the historical period, and 
Alevism the way to grasp the social, geographical foundations will have to be taken into 
account. These different ways and duration Alevis "a road, a thousand continious" he 
internalized the Stoics.

Alevism is also of the essence saying advantageous position compared to women, the nature 
of human integrity approach, non-hierarchical social structure is meant, of course. To 
understand the essence of the sacred objects alive even today, the symbol of prayer, and 
ritual of the visit, saying that needs to be examined and discussed the mythology and 
fairy tales. This in itself stands in need of research ahead of us in a different area. 
Millet, teberik, earth, sun, moon, whirling rotation, light, universe cycle, be friendly, 
be not breathing flesh, not side to side by hierarchical, each with a separate research 
topic. However, this is not the healthy results of research away from sexist methods, 
depending on the perspective of women do.

Tell the stories of the women in Alevism, visits every day to keep the face a little more 
erille?erek lost. The names of the woman bearing the names erkekle?tirilerek visit Alevism 
is swept away with each passing day more than women. The essence of Alevism also saying 
that sexual assimilation rebellion is.

Word, authority and decision-making or simply an overwhelming majority in this state or of 
women that men and Alevi Alevi organizations considered to represent the community. As one 
of the women I interviewed said "Alevi community can not be represented by just a tie." 
Because half of the women of the Alevi community. Alevi community and its institutions 
should consider this warning women and "Alevism is the essence of" what should be returned.

Alevism who has a history of thousand years. It is an ancient belief in socialization, 
gender relations are to believe that in a way we know it today though since the beginning 
in terms of production systems, it is not right and looking foward to this, as well as unfair.

Just because you know it, even to attain scientific doubt this is a huge step in my 
opinion. The rest rapid succession.

This conversation Square was published in the Meydan journal number 22.

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