(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Protest to stop evictions and housing for tou-te-s! Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

While the right to a roof is a vital and fundamental right, thousands of women, men, 
children of the Rh?ne-Alpes, French or foreign region are homeless or threatened to be 
thrown any time. As in the rest of France. ---- The Causes? ---- - The policy of the State 
and local authorities do not fulfill their obligation absolute emergency accommodation 
summer and winter any person regardless of their origin, while Article 345-2-2 of the Code 
of Social Action and Families (CASF) states that any person whatsoever shall be allowed in 
a decent place. ---- Worse, these institutions do not hesitate sometimes to continue the 
Roms--especially families and single people into their squats or "poor" camps and expel! 
---- - High rents, real estate speculation which allowed banks to a minority of wealthy 
donors, public and private, to speculate, to enrich themselves (speculative profits were 
up 70% in 10 years. Years ...) . Yet in France, there are 2.4 million empty homes for 3.6 
million mal-es-housed.

- The complicity of governments that have left to do, rushing people and families with low 
incomes in unpaid and precarious housing, sometimes in the street!


- The opening of emergency shelter structures, and improvement of reception conditions, 
without access conditions, summer and winter. The judgment of eviction without rehousing 
for all types of housing, closures of Hosting and cuts of fluids (water, electricity, gas 
...) places. Stopping harassment from the administration and social landlords to tenants 
and user-es (litigation, mena?an- your letter .. .) and freezing of unpaid rent. A law 
enforcement DALO and ALUR that provide broad access to any person or family to a decent 
home. The REQUISITION empty homes, the massive construction of social housing actually 
(PLAI: Rental Ready helped Integration) and lower rents. Stop the criminalization of 
migration and the criminalization of solidarity with migrants. The regularization 
tou-te-s the undocumented-es and stop evictions French territory. A sustainable and 
decent housing for tou-te-s!

Place Bellecour Regional event
Saturday, November 15 at 14H
Then procession towards the Regional Prefecture ...

We also call tou-te -s those / those who are struggling to survive or to organize 
solidarity demonstrations and decentralized actions across France to make visible the 
invisible. It is through the creation of a balance of power that we will reduce poverty 
and those / those who produce it.

A CALL to (at 10/23/14):

Children without roofs, CISEM [Is?re Coordination of Solidarity with
Migrant foreign] Information Center Inter-people, same
rights for everyone, National Confederation of Housing 38
Collective Housing / accommodation, CRSA, The Hot Potato, A Roof
for All ASTI Vienna Basin Annonay and Montelimar
[Association for Solidarity with Tu-te-s the Immigrant-es] AC! Is?re
(Agir Ensemble against unemployment) RESF Rhone Collective emergency
Roma 74, SIAD Valencia, Regional Coordination Support
undocumented Defends roof, Family Planning Rh?ne, Voices of
Women, in Valencia Luth, LDH 38 LDH Federation Rhone
MRAP 69 NPA 38 and 69, 38 and 69 Partners, Southern Education 38 and 69
students Solidarity Lyon and Grenoble, CNT / AIT Valencia, CNT 38,
Ras front, UPC, The Alternative, Coordination Groups of
anarchists-Lyon , OCML-Way Proletarian, Libertarian Alternative
Lyon, FA Group Seed Anar, South Telecom, Weather Partners,

Housing Undocumented

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