[machine translation]
Congress of the National Front in Lyon ---- The National Front held on 29 and 30 November
conference in Lyon. The side of the anti-fascist forces, mobilization is required: a
demonstration as well as discussions and workshops are scheduled in Lyon. The challenge is
to make it clear that the right-wing extremism must be fought relentlessly. ---- The
anti-fascist front that reconstructs faces today an eminently more dangerous than period,
in 1980-1990, led to the formation of networks Scalp-No Pasaran and Ras Front. The FN is
now an essential electoral strength, the ladder of power, and ultra networks
(soraliens-dieudonnistes of the identity and fascists of all stripes) are able to get some
response. Faced with this, after the disintegration of organized fascism in the early
2000s, we are still moving forward with measured steps, although the path is now engaged.
It took nearly ten years for the anti-fascist movement of the 1990s managed to organize
mass mobilizations such as the protest against the FN congress in Strasbourg in March 1997
who had gathered around 50,000 people and contributed to weakening the fascist party. We
are far from hope to succeed today such an initiative. So far we're not exactly at the
point zero.
Rebuild a movement against the far right
Mobilizations in June 2013 and 2014 following the assassination of Clement Meric, the
multiplication of local anti-fascist group (the realities and strong contours varied),
strengthening the Visa association and the gradual structuring of Conex, but also week
"Marseille against the extreme right" held during the Summer of FN in Marseille in
September 2013 as the antifascist weekend programmed against the FN congress in Lyon in
November are characteristic of this period of reconstruction.
In this process, local community have an important role to play. Diverse in their scope
and their structuring, the group now sorely lacking coordination. Cartels organizations or
groups of individuals, some may be well established and long, others, including the most
recent, struggling to settle into the landscape. Each class is an hour returned to local
reality, to produce its own response equipment and most of the time, finds himself
confined to the reaction piecemeal. But the lack of coordination - that is to strengthen
faster! - Also causes difficulty conducting substantive discussions which, although
differing opinions are expressed or confrontations would think collectively and
strategically antifascist action nationally.
The strategic plan precisely, the first hurdle to overcome in the reconstruction / current
redefinition of the anti-fascist movement is to say that the fracture should not be made
between fascism and anti-fascism radical mass. Libertarian Alternative to the anger that
may exist at the emergence of the extreme right must be expressed: it helps to dispel the
trivialization of the extreme right and its ideas, sitting by the mainstream media as well
as by government parties as a whole. However, this anger may be expressed differently.
Thus, at the event in late November against the FN congress, there must be no break
between supporters of radical actions and those comrades and those wishing to "only"
cycle. This positioning, this "diversity of tactics", offers the Libertarian Alternative
(x) group (s) of organization to share and take practical (possible legal and medical
teams such organization).
Against isolation to class solidarity
Libertarian Alternative decided at its last federal coordination, to the success of the
anti-fascist demonstration in Lyon a priority, pledging wherever possible in this unit
will mobilization frameworks. At this event, we also offer our partners and libertarian
anti-capitalist structuring a wide pole in the event, in which each train would fit
without being dissolved. And anticapitalist appear united and speaking with one voice
against the Fascist Party and the extreme right. A voice that must be heard because it
argues the words of struggle and class solidarity, strike, self-management ...
Especially at the time of the mobilization against the FN congress, forums are also
planned. They can be an opportunity to defend a social fascism as an alternative to the
Republican fascism, which too often appears as the only bulwark against the rise of the
FN. By fascism "Republican" we aim particularly the illusion of believing that an
electoral force to the left of the left would be able to slow the progression of the FN.
It is the explicit policy choice left m?lenchoniste and CPF. It is also an idea that
inhabits the heads many activists, not necessarily form contained es, es-polarized but
this strategy. Beyond that, the general discourse on the "abstention that raises the FN"
part of the Republican strategy, which refers to the voting booth - and isolation - the
anti-fascist struggle.
For social fascism
Must still fleshing out the social fascism. If we truly believe the most troubling times,
we must then go beyond what our activists habits comfort us to implement. It is not to be
deprived of doing what we know how to do what we have learned over many years of practical
struggles: organizing events, collages, tractages, make arguments and ensure - as much as
possible - a physical presence at the extreme right. Facing the fascist temptation, and
the extent of penetration of far-right ideas, we must regain ground. "Mere" propaganda and
piecemeal responses will not suffice, although these aspects are necessary. The physical
market presence at the scene of life and popular sociability are a necessity. Not just
there to make a speech that may appear outside but to prove and embody our commitment and
our support and solidarity values. Union action that we can develop our workplaces, social
struggles that we contribute to animate on various fronts (housing, racism ...) can
contribute and this is of course that we need to talk and that must first be known.
The unit campaign "Uni-es against the extreme right" carried by the CGT, FSU and
Solidarity is too "centralized", although local initiatives have existed. The
responsibility of revolutionary militants and contribute to decline further this campaign
across departments and local unions as in federations, unions and sections of professional
sectors. All attest that unionism remains an essential bulwark against the rise of the
extreme right, by its ability to conduct mass struggles and make tangible class solidarity
in everyday life. Strengthening the Visa association, the creation of local branches, as
is the case in the Bouches-du-Rh?ne, can also participate in this process. The creation of
anti-fascist committees in the different unions and different levels of structure is also
on the agenda. We must not overlook that a fascist intersyndical work can allow for the
consolidation of inter-union and inter-relationships, some asset for future social struggles.
But it is also developing other extra-parliamentary practices. Experiences like those of
Crea in Toulouse, the Rotisserie or self-managed canteen Pyrenees in Paris, even if they
are still embryonic and limited in this direction. Self-managed sites that may exist in
some cities, such as the Spark in Angers, also.
And extra ...
We must also keep in mind that if the (too) few experiences that we can mobilize were
mostly implemented in the city, it is crucial to find the contours of similar practices in
peri-urban and rural areas. Although the modalities of intervention may still be difficult
to imagine, this is nonetheless a goal that can be discussed in class militants.
The project is to make possible what is akin to self-managed social centers, real
contemporary labor exchanges, where the most concrete and most basic solidarity is not an
empty word. This is also why we must discuss in a fascist movement that seeks to respond
most effectively to the resistible rise of various extreme right. Anchoring the
anti-capitalist, anarchist and revolutionary activists in the social movement and trade
unionism is a definite asset to ensure that these initiatives are confined to a backyard
activist, and instead turn to the greatest number. Brought within the anti-fascist group
in the different unit combinations (including those preparing to mobilize in November in
Lyon), these proposals can draw