FN congress in Lyon; Control in higher education; Mobilization of 16 October; Industrial
wind; Interview with Camillle voluntary mower; Kokopelli, Kurdistan; Interview with
anarchists DAF; Rojava; Evolution of the PKK; Anti-Terrorism Act; Anti-Capitalist Front du
Gard; Repression Lyon-2; Medicalization of women's bodies; Western Sahara; Repression in
Egypt; History: The great strike of PTT. ---- Ediorial: Koban? is not dead ---- Spotlight:
FN Congress in Lyon ---- against Social Front National Front ---- Struggles ---- Higher
Education: A backward or fist ---- Mobilization of 16 October on Social Security:
Learning from failure ---- Repression student: Double trouble Lyon II ---- Ecology ----
Industrial Wind power: Wind, this is money Interview with Camille, voluntary reaper
"The moratorium on GMOs is derisory" Seed: Seed conspi
Chronic Rights before! Hiring in CSD
Kurdistan: The Revolution
? Counter society: In Kurdistan, a new Chiapas? Interview with anarchists DAF "Ankara
feared a revolutionary contagion" Yes, people can change things (two weeks Rojava)
Evolution: What has really changed PKK Infographic: Kurdish galaxy
? draconian legislation: Antiterrorism and generalized suspicion Gard: First groundwork
for an anti-capitalist forehead
? medicalization of women's bodies and trans: Face to medical technology
? Western Sahara: Stop the Moroccan colonization Egypt: Silence, is repressed
? There are forty years: The great strike of PTT
? Agustin Gomez Acosta
? Jean-Christophe Petit
? Book: Anarchists against Franco, International Revolutionary Action
? Test: The merchants of fear, the band Bauer and security ideology
? Book: Figures African revolutions, of Kenyatta Sankara
? subversion Classics: Franz Kafka, The Trial (1925 )
Editorial: Koban? is not dead
When we announced the triumph of barbarism in the East, that casts fear of attack on our
cities blows of "Vigipirate strengthened," it seems that hope rises in the east. And hope
this is the Kurdish left to Koban? including fighting obscurantism and defended hope for
social and political emancipation.
But the fighters and fighters Koban? have learned not to rely too much on the
self-proclaimed champions of freedom crossed the rights that were so quick elsewhere to
jump into their tanks to "liberate" a people.
Instead, Erdogan's Turkey waits patiently for the fall of the symbol of Kurdish
resistance, as Stalin to Warsaw and then to take possession of the Syrian Kurdistan
pretext to block the advance of Daech. It represses and kills more than thirty people who
were demonstrating in solidarity with Koban? prevents the arrival of reinforcements or
arms and let the refugees at the expense of neighboring municipalities Kurds. When Uncle
Sam, lamented aloud after the imminent fall of the heroic city, he resigned himself to
help those leftists who do not seem to want to settle for the role of martyrs.
We knew that nothing should expect governments and property owners, the oppressed fighting
can only count on the support of other oppressed of the world.
It is up to us to live the international solidarity! Political solidarity but also
financial and material solidarity. Koban? live.
Libertarian Alternative, 1 November 2014
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