[machine translation]
Faced with a FN who proclaims "first party of France," the response is organized and the
antifascist camp rebuilt. The congress of the far-right party in Lyon on 29 and 30
November is an opportunity to not leave the ground right by organizing a weekend of
mobilization. ---- After seating against the extreme right end she organized in June 2014,
is the Conex (National Coalition against the extreme right), which is at the origin of a
call [ 1 ] to a week- antifascist end. Flexible network, the Conex now wants to gather the
various existing local anti-fascist group, the reality may vary from one city to another,
between individuals or collectives cartels organizations. And there is still work to do
that this framework figure network initiating actions and campaigns like a Ras Front in
the 1990s This is what we long way to go, even if you can feel a sharp resumption of
anti-fascist struggle.
After the death of Clement Meric, several local community have been formed without, for
some of them, manage to maintain a regular activity. The Inter call CGT-FSU-Solidarity
"United against the extreme right, for social progress and equality of rights" also
demonstrates what a start: it remains to the decline in localities (via UD and UL union)
and professional sectors. Build a national mobilization for the weekend of 29 and 30
November can help to converge the energies and make a living and visible fascism field.
Diversity of Tactics
For mobilization plays its role, it is essential to invest in this perspective
reconstruction. Workshops / forums planned for Sunday 30 can be used to defend a social
fascism (press struggles) as an alternative to the Republican fascism that can still bring
some forces (such as those collected in the Left Front). Importantly, the strength of the
mobilization and street demonstration on Saturday will restore confidence in an
anti-fascist, if not yet able to halt the progression of the FN, at least to oppose:
social foreheads against national. For this debate deserve to be actively pursued in the
weeks preparing mobilization: what fascism social practice? How to avoid disruptions that
may have existed in the past between fascist "radical" and "mass" (to caricature), and
promote instead a diversity of tactics guarantor of the unity of the anti-fascist camp?
How do we ensure that our unions, our associations fighting, seized this fight? We have
two months to respond to these critical questions.
Theo Rival (AL Orleans)
[ 1 ] Online on www.conex-coordination.fr