Have these posters gone too far? ---- A war of words is being played out on inner west
walls as tensions between far left and far right activists heat up. ---- A flood of
posters preaching anti-fascist and anarchist messages have been plastered around
Marrickville, Enmore and Newtown, including provocative ones urging readers to kill
capitalists and fascists. ---- BOOKSTORE TARGETED IN RACIST ATTACK ---- Only a few months
ago racist posters, authored by The Australia First Party, were stuck on the front of a
left-wing bookshop in Ultimo demanding overseas students go home. Anti-foreign student
literature was also distributed to households in Newtown and Erskineville. ---- Tensions
further increased after The Australia First Party?s Jim Saleam threw his hat into the
Marrickville Council by-election being held on November 15.
Police responded to racist posters left on the Resistance Bookshop in Ultimo.
A local resident, who asked to remain anonymous, has taken offense to the latest round of
posters calling on readers to ?kill capitalists? with images of guillotines and a man in a
suit with a rifle target on his head.
He said the posters discredited the left wing by giving them the image of a ?terrorist?
organisation and there should be equality when it comes to voicing political opinions.
?Inciting violence against anyone in Australia is a crime,? the local resident said.
?I would have similar reservations about similar messages posted by right wing/nationalist
activist,? he said.
UTS expert James Goodman says the posters act as counter-balance to a rise in extremist
right-wing organisations and public fear.
A poster referring to Greek anti-fascist rapper was murdered in 2013 by a member of
neo-nazi group Golden Dawn in Athens in 2013.
He posted photos of the posters on Reddit asking for an end to the aggressive slogans.
Reddit users have responded to his post with some agreeing with him and others not seeing
the harm in the posters. ?Violence isn?t always physical, what?s wrong with wanting to
fight back?? one users wrote.
Marrickville Council said legally it was not possible to stop people distributing
offensive material and cited the Ban the Burqa mural that went up in Newtown in 2010.
The ?Say no to Burqas? mural had to be protected by security guards overnight. Picture:
Bill Hearne
?If they were judged to be ?offensive?, then council?s graffiti crew would be instructed
to remove them,? a council spokeswoman said.
She also said the council had not received any complaints regarding the posters and as to
whether they are offensive ? I think that?s a matter of personal opinion?.
University of Technology?s Associate Professor James Goodman, who conducts research into
social change and global politics, said the latest string of posters were acting as a
counter-balance to a rise in extremist right-wing organisations and public fear.
Not everything is about capitalists though, with this poster among the fray.
These include the Australian Defence League, a far-right wing group waging a vicious
anti-Muslim campaign on social media, and has been accused of harassing Islamic women in
?It seems there is a push from the Australia Defence League to capitalise on current fears
about Islamic State being voiced by western governments... Anti-fascist groups have sought
to counter this, not surprisingly? Mr Goodman said.
One of the posters in the inner west.
Dr Jim Saleam of the Australia First Party.
Mr Goodman said the left-leaning activist groups have had a good response, ?as most people
understand the difference between Islam and authoritarianism, and can see how the
government is exploiting the situation to serve their own agenda?.
He added that the war of words on inner city streets wasn?t new.
?Although I dont really recall governments characterising an insurgency as a ?death cult?,
something that doesn't shed any light on what is actually going on ie in Iraq/Syria.?
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» (en) Australia, Media, Flood of left-wing anarchist street posters make waves in Sydney?s inner city