today the german ministry of interior came out with the news that they
started this week what they call "trilateral patrolling" in border
regions with police from germany (federal and bavaria), austria and
italy. the aim is to fight "illegal migration", already existing
controls would be "significately boosted".
the intersting thing is: the controls are /all/ taking place in italy.
looks like they mostly target trains. see here (german):
is there any reporting in austria and italy about it?
i guess this is an outcome of the negotiations about the future of "mare
nostrum", which as you know ended up in the large fingerprinting
operation "triton".
beginning of september alfano (italian MOI) was in berlin to meet his
counterpart, where they were talking about the "task force
mediterranian" as well. italy is very much under pressure of breaking EU
regulation, because the dublin system forces all member states to take
all fingerprints of all arriving asylum seekers.
the bavarian, ultra-conservative prime minister already threatened to
reinstall schengen border controls with austria if italy does not
fulfill its "duty" of fingerprinting. this is possible after germany and
france two years ago (after tunisian and libyan migration) managed to
change the schengen kodex.
the new schengen kodex was decided last year, but went into force this
autumn. see
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» "trilateral controls" by police from germany, austria and italy