Blog Reader's 'Recharge Card' Birthday Giveaway

Awww just woke up(still having my bed rest) to see another mail from Lilie who is celebrating her birthday today(Posted her pics earlier). To say thanks for all the birthday wishes,she is giving out recharge cards to few lucky winners who need it.She says " shoes or clothes I have not,but recharge cards I have to share .Kindly manage"
-3 MTN
-4 Glo
I also have 3 airtel and 1 Glo (N500 each)from stevosky's baby giveaway to add..They were unclaimed by those on the list..

To make it fair, just drop your email and why you need the recharge card and indicate the network...

You all rock. HBD once again to Lilie..God bless you for sharing

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