[AfricaRealities] Soldier who accused Kagame of triggering genocide is abducted



Soldier who accused Kagame of triggering genocide is abducted

A number of Paul Kagame's opponents have disappeared or died
Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
  • Paul Kagame
    A number of Paul Kagame's opponents have disappeared or died Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
Published at 12:01AM, November 25 2014
A former Rwandan soldier has been abducted in Nairobi hours after he was called to testify at an international inquiry into the country's genocide.
Emmanuel Mughisa claimed that he had evidence that President Kagame of Rwanda, then a rebel commander, had ordered his troops to shoot down the country's presidential plane in 1994, killing President Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Ntaryamira of Burundi and unleashing three months of violence in which almost a million people died.
Mr Kagame's government, which receives £90 million a year in British aid, has consistently denied the allegations. The official history of Rwanda blames hardline

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Posted by: Jean Bosco Sibomana <sibomanaxyz999@gmail.com>


Posted by: Samuel Desire <sam4des@yahoo.com>
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