A new species of freshwater Goby from Sulawesi.

Gobies are small, benthic (bottom dwelling) members of the Perch Order, found in marine and freshwater environments around the world, but most numerous and diverse in the Indo-Pacific region. There are large numbers of highly endemic (i.e. found over only a very small area) species in the ancient lakes of Indonesia and Malaysia.

In a paper published in the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology on 5 November 2014, Helen Larson of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory and School of Marine and Tropical Biologyat James Cook University, Matthias Geiger of the Sektion Ichthyologie at the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Renny Kurnia Hadiaty of the Research Center for Biology of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and Fabian Herder, also of the Sektion Ichthyologie at the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, describe a new species of freshwater Goby from Lake Towuti in central Sulawesi.

The new species is placed in the genus Mugilogobius and given the specific name hitam, meaning ‘black’ in Bahasa Indonesia. The species is described from eight specimens, all collected from warm shallow (less than 2 m) waters in Lake Towuti in central Sulawesi. The specimens ranged from 25.6 to 42.5 mm in length, and were black or blackish brown in colour, with some reddish areas on the head and pectoral, caudal and anal fins.

Mugilogobius hitam, captive specimen. Hans-Georg Evers in Larson et al. (2014).

Mugilogobius hitam was found to breed very readily in captivity, depositing eggs on hard substrates and guarding them; Larson et al. were not able to successfully rear any captive bred specimens to maturity, though they did find evidence that the species was being traded in the aquarium trade in Europe under the name ‘Mugilogobius amadi’, implying that either it is being bred in captivity or else collected from the wild for sale in Europe.

Map of the Malili Lakes in Sulawesi. The locality where Mugilogobius hitam was discovered is denoted by an asterisk. Larson et al.(2014).

See also…

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