These articles are among the most viewed at Scribd:
| | | 3207 | | 824 | | 810 | | 724 | | 685 | | 603 | | 583 | | 480 | | 473 | | 431 | | 427 | _ Table.worldWideCiting3.05.-World-wide and international citing of publications authored by Moscow University, examples (citation in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Japan, China, India, other countries). | 418 | | 417 | | 383 | | 352 | | 328 | | 323 | | 316 | | 315 | | 309 | | 303 | | 296 | | 288 | | 274 | | 274 | | 273 | | 258 | | 257 | | 249 | | 246 | | 245 | | 241 | | 240 | | 239 | | 225 | | 224 | | 218 | | 215 | | 208 | | 205 | | 202 | | 199 | | 198 | | 194 | | 190 | | 190 | | 187 | | 186 | | 184 | | 183 | | 182 | Scribd.materials.archiv of Environmental and Life Sciences,2012. Vol.1, No.1 (January), 04 29 2011 - 01 12 2012.ecology, biology, environmental sciences, water quality, hydrobiology, biogeochemistry, environmental education: papers, books, reviews, evaluations, bibliography, abstracts | 171 | | 171 | | 168 | | 168 | | 163 | | 160 | | 160 | | 158 | | 158 | | 155 | | 154 | | 154 | | 153 | | 151 | | 142 | | 140 | | 139 | ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT: TEXTS AVAILABLE ONLINE FREE. keywords: ecology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, water, water quality, bioassay, pollutants, xenobiotics, biology, discovery, innovations, biosphere, environmental, protection, biodiversity, conservation, safety, ecosystem, detergents, surfactants, hazards, biochemical, new, concepts, conceptualization, new terminology, | 138 | | 135 | | 135 | | 131 | | 131 | | 129 | | 128 | | 128 | | 128 | Countries Worldwide Acquired the Books: Environment, Ecology. USA, Canada, France, Sweden, Japan, China, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom,Germany, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, Norway, Finland, Italy,Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, Serbia, Qatar,Indonesia, | 126 | | 126 | Библиография трудов Moscow State University. Доктор биол. наук С.А.Остроумов. Частично с аннотациями. Научные и учебно-методические публикации. updated 2010.гидробиология, экология, биология, науки об окружающей среде, биосфера, качество воды, экотоксикология, охрана природы, сохранение биоразнообразия, самоочищение воды, биотестирование, оценка опасности химических веществ, поллютанты, экологическая безопасность, услуги экосистем, | 125 | | 120 | | 119 | | 116 | | 115 | | 114 | О РОЛИ БИОГЕННОГО ДЕТРИТА В АККУМУЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ В ВОДНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ. Остроумов С.А., Колесов Г.М. // Сиб. экол. журн. (Сибирский экологический журнал) 2010, № 4, с. 525-531. (Ключ.слова: МГУ, РАН, осадки, отложения, экология, металлы, биогеохимия, U, Au, Ce, Se, La, Sb, Hf, Th, Sc, Sm, Cs, Viviparus viviparus L. , Unio pictorum L., Ceratophyllum demersum L.). | 113 | | 112 | | 111 | | 109 | Citing Authors: Citation of works authored by Moscow State University (Dr. S.A. Ostroumov): citing authors (U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, China, India, and other countries):; | 109 | | 109 | | 109 | | 107 | | 107 | | 106 | | 105 | | 104 | | 102 | | 102 | | 100 |
** | | | 1871 | | 870 | | 827 | Annotated bibliography on key Discoveries: Ecology, environmental science. Translated into Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Nederlandse, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian,Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldovan, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. | 645 | | 643 | | 353 | | 225 | | 99 | | 99 | | 99 | Экобезопасность, реабилитация загрязненных водных объектов, фиторемедиация, фитотехнологии, очищение, самоочищение, качество воды, улучшение, борьба с загрязнением, экотехнологии, мониторинг.Список.Сайты. | 99 | | 98 | | 97 | | 97 | | 96 | | 96 | Публикации МГУ(экология, охрана природы, окружающая среда, токсикология окружающей среды, сохранение водных ресурсов, качество вод) в библиотеках. Москва, Петербург, Томск. Саратов. Кемерово. Петрозаводск. Ярославль, Севастополь, Калининград, Минск, Казань. Красноярск. Курган, Барнаул. Вологда. Бийск. Архангельск. Омск. Калининград. Новосибирск. Нальчик. Владивосток, Тюмень, Саранск, Екатеринбург, Улан-Удэ, Горно-Алтайск, Киев, Днепропетровск, Симферополь, Гродно, Ереван, Ама-Ата, Семипалатинск (Семей), США (U.S.A.), Швеция, Индия, Австралия. Канада, Торонто, Украина. | 96 | | 96 | | 95 | | 92 | | 92 | | 91 | | 91 | | 90 | | 90 | | 89 | | 88 | | 87 | | 87 | | 86 | | 86 | | 86 | | 84 | | 83 | | 82 | | 82 | | 82 | | 82 | | 82 | | 81 | | 80 | | 80 | | 80 | | 80 | | 80 | | 80 | | 79 | | 79 | | 78 | | 77 | | 77 | | 76 | | 76 | | 76 | | 76 | | 76 | | 76 | Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark,Germany, U.K., France, Australia, Canada, Poland, books by Dr. S.Ostroumov(environment, biology, conservation) in catalogues, libraries of Europe, Canada, Australia | 76 | | 75 | активность в интернете: внимание к публикациям российского ученого-эколога. Они разыскивались поисковыми системами по запросу ученых США, Канады, Англии, Франции, Германии, Италии, Нидерландов, Новой Зеландии, Китая, Польши, бывших республик СССР (Украины, Эстонии, Казахстана, Грузии и др.), а также других стран. | 73 | | 72 | | 72 | | 71 | | 71 | | 71 | | 70 | The effect of salinity and temperature on the uptake of cadmium and zinc by the common blue mussel, Mytilus edulis with some notes on their survival. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 2010, 25 (1): 11 - 30. ¹Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Environment Department, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 1638, Salmiya 22017, Kuwait ²Faculty of Biomedical & Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom. | 70 | | 70 | | 70 | | 69 | | 69 | | 69 | | 69 | | 69 | | 68 | | 68 | | 68 | | 68 | | 68 | | 68 | | 67 | | 66 | | 66 | | 65 | | 64 | | 64 | | 64 | | 64 | | 63 | | 63 | | 63 | | 62 | | 62 | | 62 | | 62 | | 61 | | 61 | | 61 | | 60 | | 59 | ** | | | 629 | | 212 | | 188 | | 164 | | 160 | | 90 | | 75 | | 58 | list of materials (Ecology, Environment) that are available at the portal free; The materials are in English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian languages. Updated: 7 January, 2011; | 58 | | 57 | | 57 | Открытия. Инновации.1. Элодея. Токсичные металлы.- Ускорение снижения концентраций тяжелых металлов (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) в воде.Статья:Остроумов С.А., Котелевцев С.В., Шестакова Т.В., Колотилова Н.Н., Поклонов В.А., Соломонова Е.А. Новое о фиторемедиационном потенциале: ускорение снижения концентраций тяжелых металлов (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) в воде в присутствии элодеи// Экологическая химия | 56 | | 56 | Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S., Hamilton D., Peterson S., Wetzel R.G. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. - Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 327-332. [Key words: research, Impacts, ecology, ecosystems, man-made, effects, biosphere, aquatic, terrestrial, organisms, geosciences, anthropogenic, environmental, biospheric, sciences], | 55 | | 55 | | 54 | | 54 | | 54 | | 53 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 52 | | 51 | | 50 | | 50 | | 50 | | 50 | | 49 | | 49 |,ом 16, vol.16, 2010. Аннотации сборника и оглавление: Отв. редакторы С. А. Остроумов, С.В.Котелевцев, И.К.Тодераш, О.М.Горшкова /Editors: S.A.Ostroumov, S.V.Kotelevtsev, I.K. Toderas, O.M.Gorshkova. Ecology, Life Sciences: Innovations /series: Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. | 49 | | 49 | | 48 | | 48 | | 48 | | 48 | | 48 | | 48 | | 48 | | 47 | | 47 | | 47 | | 46 | | 46 | | 46 | | 46 | | 46 | | 46 | | 45 | | 45 | | 45 | Book: Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects; by: A. V. IAblokov (A.V.Yablokov), Sergei A. Ostroumov is available in world libraries: USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong. UNH Durham et al.from WorldCAt | 45 | | 45 | | 45 | | 45 | | 44 | | 44 | On the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. 1986. Moscow University Press. 176 p. Authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. The comment on 12 languages(English, (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Arabic). | 44 | | 44 | | 44 | | 44 | | 44 | | 43 | | 43 | | 43 | | 42 | | 42 | | 42 | | 42 | | 42 | | 41 | | 41 | | 41 | | 41 | | 41 | | 41 | | 40 | | 40 | | 40 | Гуманитарная.Биология.Экология.Гусев М.В., А.В.Олескин, Карташева Е.Р., Кировская Т.А., Остроумов С.А., Ботвинко И.В., Лукьянов А.С., Каганова З.В., Юдин Б.Г., Шульга Е.Н., Седов А.Е. Терминологический словарь (тезаурус). Гуманитарная биология. М.: Изд-во МГУ. | 40 | | 40 | | 40 | | 40 | | 40 | Экология, науки о жизни: инновации / серия: Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. Volume 16. Экосистемы, организмы, инновации-12. Труды научной конференции (23 июня 2010 г., Москва) и другие материалы. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2010. - 112 с. Отв. редакторы С. А. Остроумов, С.В.Котелевцев, И.К.Тодераш, О.М.Горшкова; Editors: S.A.Ostroumov, S.V.Kotelevtsev, I.K. Toderas, O.M.Gorshkova; Cборник содержит труды двенадцатой конференции “Экосистемы, организмы, инновации-12”, которая прошла 23 июня 2010 г. в Московском университете, и другие научные и учебно-методические материалы. Конференция была посвящена 25-летию книги А.В.Яблокова и С.А.Остроумова «Уровни охраны живой природы» | 39 | | 39 | | 39 | | 39 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | | 38 | ** | | | 271 | | 91 | | 77 | | 52 | | 37 | | 37 | | 37 | | 37 | | 37 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 36 | | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | of the Dr. S.A.Ostroumov’s works in the USA. Key words: U.S.A., citations, cited, Ecology, environment, biology, aquatic, organisms, water quality, bioassay, pollutants, sustainability, ecosystem’s services, ecosystems, environmental, safety, | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | | 35 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 34 | | 33 | | 33 | | 33 | | 33 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 32 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 31 | | 30 | | 30 | | 30 | | 30 | | 30 | | 30 | 2011.Feb Posts; Blog of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov; professional activity, Internet; Ecology, Environment, Biology; updated 2011, March-February; Key words: ecology, environment, biology, biosphere, resources, water, sustainability, environmental, safety, ecosystem, services, aquatic, water quality, self-purification, pollution, improvement, new, discoveries, innovations, applications, education, ecotoxicology, preventing, global, change, protection, biodiversity; | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | Citation of the book ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’ Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland. | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | | 29 | Spanish translation. Ecology, Environment. Actividad profesional en Internet. ecología, medio ambiente, la biología, la actividad profesional, Internet, blog, blogs, archivos, disponible, gratis, publicaciones, documentos, libros, cuyo autor, la calidad del agua, los recursos, la mejora de la sostenibilidad sostenible, la contaminación, calidad del agua , la gestión, los descubrimientos, logros, innovaciones, noticias, | 29 | | 29 | | 28 | | 28 | | 28 | | 28 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 27 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | Истина Наука.(ч.2)на.рус.яз.афоризмы2. Поэты и мыслители: Мудрые слова, афоризмы. Наука. Истина. Часть 2. Вернадский, Гуссерль, Менделеев, Дизраэли, Николай Кузанский (и другие мыслители эпохи Возрождения), Эдмон Ростан, Оскар Уайльд (Oscar Wilde), А.Платонов, В.О.Ключевский, Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | Лазарева Е.В., Остроумов С.А. Ускорение снижения концентрации поверхностно - активного вещества в воде микрокосма в присутствии растений: инновации для фитотехнологии // ДАН (=Doklady Akademii Nauk), 2009, Т. 425, № 6, С. 843–845.(Ключевые слова: МГУ, ПАВ, додецилсульфат натрия, SDS, макрофит, OST-1) | 26 | | 26 | |
| ** | | | 192 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 26 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | Independent evaluations, evidence of merit, success, achievement, and recognition: posts, sites, materials available online: works on Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences; summary of innovations in the publications authored by a Fulbright Awardee at Moscow University; World-wide and international citing of the publications in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, other countries: | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | | 25 | Citation worldwide. Researchers in U.S., Germany, Italy, China et al. cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology. Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa. Articles, books, selected , 26-page list. | 25 | | 25 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 24 | | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | Papers authored and coauthored by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov, indexed at PubMed. Updated February 3, 2011: KEY WORDS: priorities, ecology, environmental, biospheric, sciences, life, bioassay, biomedical, geosciences, ecosystems, | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | | 23 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 22 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 21 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | Table.worldWideCiting:International citing of papers and books (Ecology, environment, water, sustainability, ecotoxicology, bio); updated ; World-wide and international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, examples:citation in Germany,U.K.,France,Switzerland,Austria,Norway,Denmark, Italy, | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 20 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Iceland,Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovakia,Serbia:Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences in libraries of Europe:Books authored by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | contribution to environmental science: ecotoxicology, organic pollutants/chemicals/xenobiotics/contaminants. Environmental hazards, detergents. New type of anthropogenic impact. Useful innovative book.Comment in: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Persian, Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Malaysian, Afrikaans, Greek: | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | | 19 | Ecology.Environment: French translation. Activité professionnelle sur Internet. écologie, environnement, biologie, professionnel, activité, Internet, blog, messages, fichiers, disponible, libre, publications, documents, livres, l'auteur, la qualité de l'eau, les ressources, l'amélioration durable, la durabilité, la pollution, qualité de l'eau , la gestion, les découvertes, réalisations, innovations, nouvelles, | 19 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | |
| ** | | | 279 | Most innovative. Many full texts free. Solutions to issues of Environment, ecology, biology. List, 8 pages; ecotoxicology, surfactants, detergents, xenobiotics, pollutants, bivalves, mollusks, hazard, assessment, environmental, | 92 | | 20 | | 20 | | 19 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 18 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 17 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | huge list of sites: many sites, online, lots, lot of, web-sites, online, environmental science, ecology, water quality, water purification, | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | Smart words on science, beauty, society, knowledge, said by J.F. Kennedy, A. Einstein, other Nobel winners, Darwin, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Napoleon, and a Roman emperor | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | U.S.a.cited.ostroumov)Table.worldWideCiting20.7.11. The U.S.A. and other countries: citing of the works (ecology, environment, water, sustainability, ecotoxicology, biology) authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; Science in the U.S.A. and World-wide: international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, examples (citation in the U.S.A., and other countries: Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Japan, China, India and others ). | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 16 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | Innovations in ecological, environmental, biospheric sciences: new sites with some relevant publications (updated 2010, December 1): [key words: ecology, ecotoxicology, assimilative capacity, sustainability, water, quality, filtering, filter-feeders, self-purification, filtration, pollution, detergents, control, bioassay, environmental, hazards, aquatic, ecosystems]: | 15 | Swedish 2011. Yrkesverksamhet på Internet. Ekologi, miljö, biologi, professionell, aktivitet, Internet, blogg, inlägg, filer, tillgängliga, gratis, publikationer, tidningar, böcker, SAOstroumov, författat, vattenkvalitet, resurser, hållbar, hållbarhet, föroreningar, vattenkvalitet förbättring, ledning, upptäckter, framsteg, innovationer, nyheter, akvatiska ekosystem, marin, sötvatten. | 15 | | 14 | | 14 | In Azerbaijani. Səthi aktiv bioloji təsirləri. Ətraf mühit, elm çox faydalı kitab, ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi. Açar sözlər: müdafiə, ətraf mühit, su çirklənməsi, qarşısının alınması, müalicəsi, ekoloji təhlükəsizlik, monitorinq, suyun keyfiyyəti, kimyəvi çirkləndiricilərinin, yuyucu maddələr; | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | U.S.A., Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Qatar: In libraries, the scientific article is available, titled: An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification Function. | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | List Links. Researchgate. Enviro.sci., ecology, water, Links, web-sites, 16 p. blog posts, links, environmental science, ecology, biology, water, | 14 | | 14 | | 14 | |
| ** | | | 791 | | 16 | | 14 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | Articles on Ecosystem. Shortlist of some publications most relevant to the concept, term, definition of ecosystem. Bailey R.,Chapin F. S.,Gurevitch J., Charles J.Krebs, David B. Lindenmayer, Gene E. Likens, Molles M., Sergei A. Ostroumov, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Thomas M. Smith, Tansley A.G., Willis A.J., et al. | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 | | 12 | | 12 | About useful book on environmental hazards from water pollution by detergents, short comments in English, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Dutch, Galician, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Danish, Hebrew, Iceland, Spanish. | 12 | |
| |