The Pundits Are Now Having A Field Day Criticizing The Obama White House

American Incompetence In A World Spinning Out Of Control -- John Podhoretz, New York Post

An intruder made his way across the White House lawn and through the building almost to the Obama living quarters before being stopped by a Secret Service officer who was off duty: This chilling news is more than just a kind of melodramatic movie scenario come true.

Next to the military, the Secret Service is probably the most highly regarded institution within the executive branch. Or it was.

Now we learn its agents can’t catch a guy running across the White House lawn; can’t stop the guy at the front door; can’t get to him before he gets to the stairs that lead to the rooms where the president’s daughters sleep.

Which raises a simple question: If not the Secret Service, who? Whom can we trust to do a decent job in DC?

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A Slapdash Secret Service Detail Isn't What's Wrong With The White House - The Real Scandal Is A President Who Is So Complacent About Protecting Americans -- Piers Morgan, Daily Mail

President Obama this week committed professional suicide.

Let me explain.

There is a theory in politics that once a leader has fired 50 or more people from his or her administration, he or she is finished.

The reason being that by creating so many enemies ‘outside the tent’, the tent itself becomes too deluged with poisonous bile to avoid sinking into a quagmire of back-stabbing ignominy.

Obama went a lot further than firing 50 people.

He managed to single-handedly alienate 200,000 employees in the American intelligence agencies by going on 60 Minutes and ruthlessly chucking them all under a bus over the rise of terror group ISIS.

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My Comment:
The above are just two commentaries from a deluge of negatives commentaries and analysis.I think it is safe to say that this is now the low point of President Obama's Presidency .... the question that remains to be answered is .... will it go down even more.

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