#TBT Halloween

October 31, 1994: "I wanna be buttafly!" Yeah my four year old self wasn't so bright... I meant a fairy. I was upset when I had to wear my ballet leotard, pink tights, a felt oval with glitter design and pink wings and a head band with antennas on it. I was not happy. I remember this one probably my least favorite Halloween because I was chased by dogs, my dad went as Jim Carrey as The Mask which scared me. No I wasn't happy. Plus it was raining.

October 31, 1998: "Flawless Victory!" You could hear me saying that all night long. I went as Sindell. Down to the wig and long finger nails I played the part quite well. I had a lot of fun. Being her.

October 31, 2003: "I'm calling my shots!" This girl totally dressed up as Babe Ruth with no shame. Going to all Girls' school the dress can be a bit boring. So anything was better than the same old stockings and skirt.

October 31, 2009: "I am not dressing up as a slut. I am going as this!" I was the only one who didn't go as anything trashy. Nor did I go as anything crazy either. I simply went as Holly from Breakfast At Tiffany's.

So that's really it for me. I still dress up but those are probably the most memorable ones.

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