Something fishy did go wrong on Sunday night in Tehran.
Orange flashes and trees burning in hundred-yard radius of two villages and shattered windows 9 miles away do not point to an ordinary fire caused by chemical reactions.
A suitcase nuke blew up accidentally or was sabotaged.
Now link Sunday incident to the surprise Hezbollah attack on Israeli IDF patrol near Lebanon border on Tuesday 07 October 2014.
Quoting from the The Atlantic article:
The Atlantic, Oct 6, 2014: The timing and location… should raise more than a few questions… late last month, Israel accused Iran of conducting nuclear implosion tests at [Parchin]… Miraculously enough, on Monday, reports broke about an incident that took place at or near the Parchin site… It’s widely believed that the United States and Israel have engaged in a heavy regimen of sabotage against the suspected Iranian nuclear program including… computer viruses, the assassination of nuclear scientists, and a series of mysterious explosions… This development comes just hours before Iran and the [IAEA] were reportedly set to meet in Tehran… If the episode in Iran is some kind of sub-rosa attack, the timing couldn’t be better.
Information about the blast coming out of Iran is sketchy
Photo on IRNA website.
A 2012 satellite photo of the Parchin military complex southeast of Tehran, Iran
Orange flashes and trees burning in hundred-yard radius of two villages and shattered windows 9 miles away do not point to an ordinary fire caused by chemical reactions.
A suitcase nuke blew up accidentally or was sabotaged.
Now link Sunday incident to the surprise Hezbollah attack on Israeli IDF patrol near Lebanon border on Tuesday 07 October 2014.
Quoting from the The Atlantic article:
The Atlantic, Oct 6, 2014: The timing and location… should raise more than a few questions… late last month, Israel accused Iran of conducting nuclear implosion tests at [Parchin]… Miraculously enough, on Monday, reports broke about an incident that took place at or near the Parchin site… It’s widely believed that the United States and Israel have engaged in a heavy regimen of sabotage against the suspected Iranian nuclear program including… computer viruses, the assassination of nuclear scientists, and a series of mysterious explosions… This development comes just hours before Iran and the [IAEA] were reportedly set to meet in Tehran… If the episode in Iran is some kind of sub-rosa attack, the timing couldn’t be better.
Information about the blast coming out of Iran is sketchy
Photo on IRNA website.
A 2012 satellite photo of the Parchin military complex southeast of Tehran, Iran