It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.
I had a busy week filled with author events. On Tuesday evening I traveled with a friend to The Red Balloon Bookshop to meet Kendare Blake. She had a small but enthusiastic turnout to hear about her new book and her up-coming trilogy. I got bookplates signed for the library copies I didn't want to carry with me and got her new book signed too.
On Sunday, my friend and I traveled to The Red Balloon again to meet Brian Farrey and get his latest book in his Vengekeep Prophecies series. I haven't read these yet but they sound really good. Brian was an entertaining speaker as he told us about his story.
Beyond that I had a disappointing workshop day at school last Monday. The speakers all sounded like commercials for their other longer workshops or commercials for their latest books. I felt that I wasted a day and didn't take away anything I could use.
I had a busy week filled with author events. On Tuesday evening I traveled with a friend to The Red Balloon Bookshop to meet Kendare Blake. She had a small but enthusiastic turnout to hear about her new book and her up-coming trilogy. I got bookplates signed for the library copies I didn't want to carry with me and got her new book signed too.
On Sunday, my friend and I traveled to The Red Balloon again to meet Brian Farrey and get his latest book in his Vengekeep Prophecies series. I haven't read these yet but they sound really good. Brian was an entertaining speaker as he told us about his story.
Beyond that I had a disappointing workshop day at school last Monday. The speakers all sounded like commercials for their other longer workshops or commercials for their latest books. I felt that I wasted a day and didn't take away anything I could use.
Read Last Week
A Call to Duty by David Weber and Timothy Zahn begins a new series within the Honorverse. This one takes place early in the days of the Star Kingdom and has a male main character. My review will be posted on Nov. 20 for this book from my TBR stack.
On Her Father's Grave by Kendra Elliot is the first of four connected romantic suspense novellas. This one was action-packed. My review will be posted on November 12 for this review book.
Gone to Her Grave by Melinda Leigh was the second of the four novellas and introduces another couple while continuing the mystery from the first story. My review will be posted on Nov. 19 for this review book.
On the Edge by Allison van Diepen was the last YA review book on my stack for November. This is a gritty contemporary romance. My review will be posted on November 20.
I read Unbinding by Eileen Wilks which is the most recent book in her World of the Lupi urban fantasy series and which was a new arrival on my TBR mountain. It was interesting but not my favorite of the series. My review will be posted on November 22.
I am currently reading Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld. This chunkster has 599 pages and is heavy. I am so used to reading on my Kindle that it is hard, sometimes, to go back to reading physical books. I have to lean this one against something to read it or my hands get sore.
Next Week
I have my most recent Amazon Vine arrivals on my review stack for next week. Sleep with the Lights On and Wake to Darkness by Maggie Shayne are the first two books in the Brown and DeLuca series. These were published in 2013.
On my YA stack, I have Snake Bite by Andrew Lane which is the most recent in his Sherlock Holmes: The Legend Begins series. I had the others for review but bought a copy of this one because I need to know the rest of the story.
I also have Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay on my stack. I got this review book from NetGalley when I was looking for December releases to review. I don't think I've ever read anything by this author since everything I know about for YAs has been about zombies. Her adult urban fantasy series sounds good though.
Reviews Posted
- Chasing Power by Sarah Beth Durst
- Atlantia by Ally Condie
- Festive in Death by J. D. Robb
- Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker
- Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews
- Get Happy by Mary Amato
- The Gift of Darkness by V. M. Giambanco
I have a nice quiet week coming up. No meetings. No signings. I look forward to getting lots of reading time. Of course, being the week of Halloween, my students may have different plans for my week. What is on your calendar?