Hartford Radio: FCC Gets 'Payola' Complaint On WTIC

With former Gov. and WTIC Radio Talk Gost John G. Rowland awaiting sentencing in January on campaign fraud charges, interest has shifted to his last employer, CBS Radio's N/T WTIC 1080 AM, where license renewal has been delayed following a "payola" complaint.

Hartford lawyer and political activist Ken Krayeske has made another complaint to the Federal Communications Commission — his second. (See original posting: Click Here) Based on testimony and evidence at Rowland's trial, Krayeske argues that Rowland and WTIC broke the law when Rowland used the radio show to promote a congressional candidate who was secretly paying him.

Ken Krayeske
Even before Krayeske mailed his Oct. 1 letter, the FCC had delayed, without explanation, renewal of WTIC's broadcast license. A station executive said that WTIC has not been given a reason and that delays are commonplace.

Another possibility, according to ctnow.com, those familiar with the workings of the FCC said, is that such delays are a signal that the FCC has begun taking steps that could lead to an inquiry into a broadcasting violation.

Representatives of the FCC, which polices U.S. broadcasters, have inquired locally about Rowland and about the evidence presented at his trial, sources familiar with the inquiry said.

The FCC, if it pushes ahead, will be running a low-stakes inquiry. Penalties, if any, could involve reprimands or fines, said veteran broadcasters and lawyers who practice before the FCC. In contrast, Rowland faces a significant prison sentence as a second offender when he returns to U.S. District Court in January.

John Rowland
If there is a violation, those familiar with FCC operations said, it almost certainly lies in the legal prohibition against what is known in the industry as "payola." Specifically, the law requires broadcasters to disclose to listeners when content is broadcast in exchange for money or other valuable consideration. Disclosure of sponsorship must be made at the time of the broadcast so listeners may judge whether endorsements are objective or simply pitches by shills.

Suzanne McDonald, senior executive at CBS radio's Connecticut properties, acknowledged that the FCC has delayed renewal of WTIC-AM's broadcast license but that she has been unable to obtain an explanation. She declined to discuss Rowland or his professional relationship with the station.

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