France,Alternative Libertaire AL #242 - Brief (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

Australia removes the carbon tax ---- On 17 July, under pressure from the mining lobby, 
the Australian government decided to remove the yet unconstrained carbon tax introduced 
since 2012 This mechanism is one of the few safeguards on which most countries were 
engaged in major global climate negotiations. After qualifying in the past "absolute 
bullshit" attributing climate change to human activity, the Prime Minister therefore 
formalizes the wedding of love with the mining industry will therefore continue to pollute 
without too commence its profits; previous environmental tax were almost fully passed on 
customers' bills. ---- Greece: Sale of ribs on the menu privatization ---- After having to 
sell off its infrastructure (ports and airports first), privatizing government (schools, 
hospitals) and reduce civil servants' salaries and pensions of Retirees, Greece is 
preparing to sell, at the request of the Troika, its coastline to the highest bidder, 
including classified Natura 2000 protected areas and theoretically (what's wrong). Greeks 
are headwind tale that spoliation is organized and fighting against one of the last public 
goods in the country. The fight has only just begun but the damage on the coast could be 

Fusarium wilt of banana

Since 1950 and a previous epidemic had taken their toll, 90% of export crop bananas are 
one variety, the Cavendish, which is exported from the subtropical cultures to the rest of 
the world. This variety is highly resistant and with a recognizable taste, is currently 
undergoing an epidemic of Fusarium wilt (Panama disease) making it nearly unproductive 
plants when touched. This sounds like the beginning of a crisis call to order and 
highlights the excesses of a globalized monoculture and calls to change our practices in 
culture, let alone when these threaten exporting economies.

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