Holland has followed in the footsteps of Sarkozy: War on the poor, war immigrants, war
workers, neo-colonial wars. This policy causes the FN access to power. Get rid of the
emergency government and the National Assembly his orders. ---- Austerity and War: PS
thank you! ---- Measures against workers accumulate over a single logical to destroy the
public service, destroy social protections and transfer even more wealth to the bosses and
shareholders punters. ---- Some of their election defeat the SP leaders are choosing to be
loyal servants of capitalism. Hated workers, they hope that at least the bosses keep a
little recognition for the dirty work. The few members "slingers" who are worried about
their re-election are so concerned that they refuse to cause dissolution of the National
Assembly by voting against the policy Valls Holland.
The coffers are empty, but they say they still find the millions needed for military
interventions that have never helped the people concerned but just consolidated the
stranglehold of a few French multinationals in these countries.
Thus, the FN is found at the gates of power. There is therefore urgent need to stop all
this. By a combination of demonstrations, strikes, occupations, blockades ... we must
clear the PS.
Social struggle and unity!
We support the new day of mobilization of CGT on October 16, to which some sectors are
joining United, FSU see FO. However we must recognize that these days every three months
are powerless to win. We must therefore do more and harder. Stronger and clearer. We have
to stop waiting for the CFDT, the direction sign against-all betrayals. We must do
everything in reverse to reinforce the division of labor that still want to resist.
A pact of unity of action between CGT-FO-FSU-Solidarity at the confederal level would be a
strong signal in companies. A pact that would offer sustained actions to prepare a week's
general strike against austerity and questioning of social benefits.
But so far calling for days solo and asking others to join later, the CGT leadership made
no effort to build such a union fighting unit.
What policy perspective?
After the demonstration on 12 April, the Collective Alternative to Austerity (AAA),
involving associations fighting, unions and parties considering a new demonstration
against the budget that will be voted on by members in November.
This unprecedented gathering of social and political forces may also help draw an
alternative. Provided it is not exploited for electoral purposes. Just as it is necessary
to break with the CFDT in unions, and parties that call themselves "left" who serve in
municipal, county and regional councils should break their alliance with the PS for
credible beings.
We propose that the AAA Collective build around local community and they sketched in fire
fights another company, freed from the rules of the capitalist game and democratically run
by councils of workers and residents.
We do not need a 6th Republic or of a new president who still betray us, we want to decide
for ourselves, basically, us of what is good for us.
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