In April 2014, the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls presented its savings plan on public
spending in 2015 and 2017 Unsurprisingly, he continued the policies of his predecessors:
to reduce the public deficit. ---- The political and economic context ---- Of the 50
billion euros in savings under Matignon, 20 billion will be made on the budget of social
security. Of which 10 billion euros in savings in the area of Health, already severely
under budget constraint. "Hospitals will have to create at least 3 billion in savings by
2017", said the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine. --- FHF reinforcements --- Hospital
Federation of France (1) has a plan to 5 billion in savings over five years: structural
reforms, closures and consolidations of hospitals and reducing payroll (personnel) etc.
FHF follows the lead of the MEDEF in the crusade against the RTT ... stigmatizes ongoing
conflicts in hospitals and militant trade unions.
"We must allow institutions to deviate from the shackles of 35 hours [...] I do not want
the return of the 39 hours in the hospital but the return of flexibility, collective
intelligence, adaptability," says President of the FHF, Fr?d?ric Valletoux. He continues
to want "overhaul the current system of 35 hours at the hospital [...] supporting hospital
directions in their local plan review of the reduction of working time charge for the year
2002 protocols." His idea, align all hospitals on an annual limit of 15 days off. The gain
and encrypted be around the 640 000 work days per year, 3,200 full-time equivalent (TP)
saved, ie 413 million euros (M EUR). The President of the FHF ahead as the impact of 35
hours EUR 67 million of expenses to temping in 2011 (+23% compared to 2010), the EUR 69
million associated with the duration of night work (32 hours 30 weekly), or the EUR 78
million of incremental costs related to the right to days off on maternity leave. " Enough
These savings measures are dictated by the austerity policy of subsidizing companies by
puncturing the money on health spending and social protection Nevertheless, this work
renegotiation protocols RTT is complicated, given the outcry against such initiatives in
several institutions: Villejuif, Caen, Rennes ... etc. "The introduction of the 35 hours
is seen as a gain extra days off. For caregivers, the idea of having less than RTT, even
if it's on the point of taking care of patients, is a complicated issue, "said Cecile
Kanitzer, paramedic advisor to the FHF, pleading for more regulatory flexibility in
schedules to increase the presence of load spikes care. But also remember that senior
health outreach, "completely drowned out by the planning of working time" are also "caught
in a vise of blackmail by the unions that if they address the issue of working time and
organization, they are criticized even within their competence manager, managerial and
even threatened absenteeism because we need to preserve the number of days of said right
to leave has created in the spirit of caregivers the shorter working week. "
The psychiatric hospital in Caen as a starting point
Since June 2013 the employee-es EPSM (2) of Caen, prevented the implementation of such a
plan, first plan called "recovery" and plan to "modernize" is softer ! Initially, the plan
provides for the removal of five RTT for all staff, so the loss of 30 jobs. Then
amalgamating services, changes in working time ... would eliminate an additional 20
positions. Faced with the refusal and the mobilization of employee-es, management and the
Regional Health Agency (ARS) respond by sending the police to dislodge the strikers in
December 2013 and on 9 and 16 September 2014 at the premises of the ARS , which was to
take the Technical Committee of Establishment.
Justice for help hospital directors
Last April, management is condemning South and CGT unions to the Administrative Court for
"unable to hold instance" Judgment, "directed" SUD and CGT EPSM and "all persons of their
leader" to up instructions blocking local, to "refrain to impede in any way, access to
local and especially the holding of meetings of its advisory bodies." Otherwise, the EPSM
may proceed automatically to the evacuation of buildings and their surroundings with the
help of the police. In addition, all deed or document contrary to court orders will result
in a fine of 500 euros per day payable by any person offending. This Sept. 19, after eight
days of strike, the administration again called to justice. The order of judgment is about
the same. It forces any person to refrain from illegally occupy the premises and to impede
in any manner whatsoever to the admission of patients and free access to the property. A
failure to perform any act or document, contrary to the injunctions will lead this time to
a fine of 1000 euros per day for anyone delinquent. SUD and CGT each pay 1,000 euros to
the administration of EPSM in respect of costs. These political judgments condemn the
facility staff and the southern and CGT unions not to "occupy" in the future, local EPSM.
This is industrial action that is challenged and legitimacy Employee voice padlocked.
During the summer the continuous mobilization
If the slogan "action Thursday every 15 days" has been variously monitoring, hospital
continued the fight. A Evry, for the arrival of the Tour de France, the psy Guiraud
hospital at Villejuif strike continues to this day (over 110 days!) Despite the
resignation of the director secretly the day after the forced passage of his austerity
plan and legal repression hit them. A G. Regnier de Rennes, more than 400 strikers have
invaded the Supervisory Board on September 16, again to demand the withdrawal of the
savings measures hurriedly published by the Director on July 8 A EPSM Caen 3 July the
employee-es-es concealed under a large white tent and masked-es, not to fall foul of the
fine of 500 euros, have once again prevented the holding of CTE. This will be held
elsewhere, the LRA September 9 under heavy police presence. The highly mobilized staff is
organizing a picket and filter entries patients, since September 9. 16, a new CTE, always
ARS, protected by more and more police. In the establishment, the staff invests offices,
meeting room and corridor management and decided to "change direction" in EPSM. Note that
these offices are empty, no managers in the hospital! The strikers will indicate in a
press release that the staff now manages the property. The Director shall mediatically he
"did not despair of seeing South CGT and participate in the negotiating table. He says it
is open to discussion so that their proposals do not reject considered, he says economies.
"The CFDT, loyal collaborator of management has chosen to participate in CTE. She nods in
terms of administration, denounced the uselessness of the struggle and recalls, "we must
take action with regard to the financial situation of the EPSM whose deficit is expected
to reach 2.2 million euros end of the year. "The pressure mounts against the striker.
Executive Director of the LRA, says concern primarily for the safety of patients. Indeed,
admissions are blocked partially or almost completely now for nine days. A situation which
leads "to significant tensions across the department and the region." It also calls for
the lifting of the blockade of admissions that may increasingly put patient safety at
risk. The situation is very tense, she points out, "social dialogue must resume". But
while they lament mediatically, call to their aid justice compel us to evacuate the premises.
Where is the movement?
The fight personal EPSM Caen became a symbol of resistance possible, has led to a
convergence of hospitals in fight against "h?st?rit?" (3). In this context, the two
previous general meetings on April 4 in Caen, and on May 22 in Nanterre, allowed
participants to fifty hosto of the hexagon, to "testify ras-le-bol hospital staff
considered simple adjustment variable. They spoke of the suffering of workers in
hospitals: job insecurity, deteriorating working conditions and privacy of personal and
its impact on the conditions of patient care, deregulation schedules, understaffed,
outsourcing, obsolescence Local ... "and demanded" cancellation of debt, repealing the
HPST, removal of the Pricing Activity, increased wages, tenure of the contract, hiring
staff ... " On June 18, after the demonstration of solidarity (known nationally) in the
streets of Caen, for 200 delegates (3) present at the AG: "it is urgent to coordinate our
actions, our struggles, to organize a national response against a government that does not
mean the hospital suffering that destroys our health care system and our social security.
"The convergence of hospitals struggling then called for a national demonstration outside
the Ministry of Health on September 23, from 11am. This date is not chosen at random; it
is indeed three weeks before the hearing on the financing plan for Social Security, which
will determine the resources allocated to the health sector, private and public nursing
home for the next year. Of "convergence" with the institutions of social and medico-social
and defense committees of local hospitals are desired and attempted. Hospitals throughout
France entered the fight against these austerity plans that want to destroy the public
service for the benefit of the commodification of health. Reactions, struggles, general
meetings are emerging and hospitals join "the convergence against the H?st?rit?." The call
to protest on September 23 in Paris participating in consolidating the collective
dynamics, this desire to move. Of course the road is long and full of pitfalls:
administrative, police and judicial repression but also indifference and union hostility.
It is however, this collective solidarity and the balance of power that government
measures will be rejected. Psych'O Caen September 20, 2014.
1 It includes the heads of public health institutions and medical social structures or,
more than 1,000 public and private institutions such as hospitals and home of various
retreats. Powerful circle of analysis and thinking involved in numerous committees and
boards in the public service. Lobby unavoidable social partner without electoral
legitimacy, FHF defends the values of the public but ultra-liberal version hospital. It is
apolitical since among his most famous leaders were: J.Leguen (PSU / PS), G. Larcher (RPR
/ UMP), J. Leonetti (UDI / UMP) ...
2 - EPSM: Public Establishment of Mental Health
3 - see section "Hot summer in Hostos' powered AC summer 2014
4 - 200 delegates representing 54 hospitals, including 7 CHU; 6 social institutions; 4
Unions (SUD, CGT, UFAS, USP, plus former CFDT Paul Guiraud hospital at Villejuif),
coordination of local hospitals and maternity.
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