Damage Assessment

Global Dow Close-up
Through the 200 DMA

S&P 500 % of stocks above 200 DMA

Breadth: Two year low

No sign of forced selling
Closed at .73 on Friday: 1 is neutral, 3 is a sign of distress, 5 is an extreme
20 DMA (on a 20 day basis TRIN is never as a high as daily extremes indicated above)

The Nazz w/Percent of stocks above 200 DMA

IPO ETF: Wall Street's last pump and dump is ending

"What, me worry?"
Index Put/Call (50 DMA)
Wall Street's Hedging Vehicle
Careful what you wish for - a market that goes up forever, can't be hedged.

Russell 200 Small Cap: At a critical juncture
Small bounce on Friday back above neck line:

Argentinian stocks
Dropped 17% in 2 days and then bounced:

Canadian Pacific Railway new all time high
Gained 5% on Friday and then gave 2/3rds of it back
"Shooting Star" - bearish reversal

Energy stocks got smoked (yes, including Exxon):

Forever is not as long as it used to be
Brent Crude
- T. Boone Pickens, Aug. 19, 2014


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