And We Passed!

Jedi and I finished our class at the Jacksonville Humane Society on Saturday. The class ended with a series of obedience contests. Jedi walked away with quite the booty! He got a first place ribbon for Fastest Down, as well as second place ribbons for Fastest Sit and Most Puppy Push-Ups (sit-down-sit). Hubby got a picture of Jedi doing his push-ups (below) and yes, he's sticking his tongue out at me.

Even more exciting, Jedi got a trophy for Best New Trick! Much to my surprise he finally figured out how to pivot on the perch. It's not a pretty pivot -- honestly, his is probably the ugliest pivot in our Body Awareness and Targeting class -- but it was good enough to impress the JHS class. What a good boy!

We finished the class with an introduction to basic agility equipment. The dogs ran over dog walks and through a tunnel. They jumped over hurdles and through hoops. They wove through poles and tried out a rocker board and a pause table. Jedi was a trooper! The dog walk and rocker board didn't phase him (I was concerned they would) and he actually enjoyed the tunnel, coming through it with a giant grin on his face. Now I'm thinking "Where does a girl get a cheap agility tunnel?" and Hubby is a bit worried. Jedi did have some issues with the hurdles. Even though the were low, he knocked them down because he has a bad habit of dragging his back feet. *sigh* (But that's why we're taking the Body Awareness and Targeting class in the first place.) This JHS class was lots of fun and I've already talked to the instructor about signing up for her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class in January.

Weave poles are tough for long dogs!
Meanwhile, we have more exciting dog training news! K-9 Obedience Club opened up a Find the Odor (nose work) class starting in November. I just happened to be online when the email came out and Jedi and I picked up one of the eight spots! I can't tell you how happy I am about this. Jedi is the nosiest dog I've even had and his sniffing can be a big pain in the butt. Maybe this way I can channel his overactive nose into something positive. Jedi's brother, Dozer, does nose work and his owner says he really likes it.

Anyway, it's been a long day. Jedi is napping and I think I'm going to join him. Then I'm going to try to get him to stand in a box -- more stuff for the Body Awareness and Targeting class. Yes, it's kooky, but we're having a blast. TTFN, -- K

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