World : China : Gay cures banned?‏

Dear Luc,
Anti-gay clinics don't want you to see this video:
After enduring electro-shock therapy at a gay ‘cure’ clinic in China, Xiao Zhen has ignited a global outcry against these dangerous gay 'cures.'
100,000 All Out members signed his petition. Media all over the world are talking about him. Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has agreed to meet with him in China.
Now’s our chance to make this even bigger. If we share this video and sign Xiao Zhen’s petition we can push the WHO to speak out against these 'cures' for good. Click below to watch his powerful story and then sign Xiao Zhen’s petition:
Click to watch
Do you remember our #LoveAlwaysWins video? This video showed the impact that Russia’s anti-gay laws would have on gay and lesbian people. Thousands of us shared it, driving the video to go viral. 1.5 million people saw it, there was tons of media coverage, and it ignited a global conversation. We put Russia's anti-gay laws at the center of Olympic coverage.
Share Xiao Zhen's video now to start the conversation to end anti-gay 'cures.'

Thanks for going All Out,
Andre, Jeremy, Gaëlle, Guillaume, Sara, Oscar, Leandro and the rest of the All Out team.

PS: Our friend Xiao Zhen is a gay ‘cure’ survivor and he’s made a powerful 90-second video. If thousands of us watch and share his message, we can whip this movement into a frenzy. Thanks to signatures from All Out members, the World Health Organization has agreed to meet with Xiao Zhen. If we pile on the pressure, we can push them to help stop gay ‘cures’ for good. Watch the video
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We don't take money from governments or corporations, so the only people we have to listen to are our members. Our tiny team stretches every contribution to make them count.
All Out is mobilizing millions of people to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of who they are or who they love.
This is a campaign of Purpose Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation

115 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003

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