Welcome to The Monday Meow ~ Getting All Arty-Farty With Our Photo's ~ Part 11

Welcome to another Installment of

The Monday Meow

Welcome Fabulous Furriends 

We do hope that mew've all had a supurr pawesome weekend and don't forget that mew can still join in the Pet Parade by clicking the link.

In other news I had a run in with a huge vile rat, yes mew heard me, a big, nasty, evil rattus horribulus.  As mew can imagine, it was certainly no match fur me.  I widdanated that sucker real good and enjoyed effury moment, showing no mercy at all.   The P.A. found it in the courtyard where I'd left it, I'd ripped it's neck open and all its vertebrae were hanging out, I know it sounds purretty grisly, it was, the P.A. also commented on my methods.  But I maintain, there's only one kind of good rat and that's most definitely a DEAD one.  To which she had to agree most earnestly.

This is only the 2nd one (I did that sucker in too) I've ever encountered in all my time here, the P.A. says they are a sign of evil, duplicity and deceit which I will not tolerate in anyway shape or form on my property.  So it's death marked the end of whatever evil was lurking.  Good riddance to vile vermin.

Anyhoo, enough of my battle tales, it's now time to get funky with some photo's.


To see previous weeks, click any of the links below: 



This week, we have gone for a selection of uber cool background effects.

Basil ~ Sunny Field

Amber ~ Maple Leaves

Smoochie ~ In The Wave

Snowie ~ Flower Dream

Humphrey ~ Lilac Dream

 Posie ~ Light Bokeh


To see the entire collection of available backgrounds, click here:

 We're hoping to resume the Pink Flamingo Saga fur it's final and epic episode next week.  So if mew've missed any thus far, here's the links fur a quick recap or if mew feel mew just need to experience the insanity again, click away:


 Thanks fur joining us today, mew know how much we love your company

Bestest Monday Purrs & Kitty Kisses

Basil & Co XOX

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