This answer to a scientific question was voted up at ResearchGate, today:
Key words: aquatic toxicology, environmental safety, water quality, pollution control, water self-purification,
What are the current innovations in better understanding of the role of organisms in regulation of water quality?
Key words: aquatic toxicology, environmental safety, water quality, pollution control, water self-purification,
Environmental science, Part 10, ResearchGate. Articles with tags: control, Imbalance, plankton, anthropogenic, impact, phytoplankton, water , surfactant, filter-feeder, priorities, biogeochemistry, self-purification, mussels, bivalves, Mytilus edulis, Lymnaea stagnalis, biological activity, xenobiotics, algae,
Environmental science, Part 9, ResearchGate. Articles with tags: Anthropogenic effects, criteria, ecological, hazards, conservation, biodiversity, Remediation, modern, new, definitions, ecosystem, eutrophication, algal blooms, water, self-purification, protection of environment, ecology, environmental, science, toxicology, ecotoxicology:
Environmental science, Part 8, ResearchGate. Articles with tags:
aquatic macrophyte, Potamogeton crispus, SDS, Water Quality, Aquatic Ecosystems, suspension-Feeders, suspension, feeding, filter, surfactants, Biological Effects, mussels, self-purification, water, quality, bioreactor, filtration, priorities, rotifers:
Environmental science. Part 7. Articles with tags: Biological effects, surfactants, macrophytes, elodea, Ceratophyllum, SDS, Daphnia magna, filter-feeding, algae, new, ecosystem definition, definition of ecosystem, aquatic, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb :
Environmental science. Part 6. Articles with tags: Top articles, lists, INNOVATIONS, Water, Quality , Self-Purification, surfactants, toxicity, biological effects, biota, self-purification, Elodea, Ceratophyllum :
Environmental science. Part 5. Articles with tags: Top articles, lists, life sciences, INNOVATIONS, Water Quality , Self-Purification, biological effects, surfactants, toxicity, aquatic, organisms, ecosystems, citation:
#Environmental science, Part 4. Articles with tags: Top articles, lists, life sciences, INNOVATIONS, #Water Quality , Self-Purification,
Environmental sciences. Part3. Articles with tags:
17 Innovationen, German language; Effect-of-a-Cationic-Amphiphilic-Compound-on-Rotifers; Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations, Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact; etc.