The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated


My title today is taken from the text of a cable sent by Mark Twain from London to the press in the United States after his obituary had been mistakenly published. Well I had a similar experience today, no obit, but my death was reported.

I had an appointment with the Social Security Administration this morning.  

After receiving half of my ex-husband's benefit for four years and letting my benefit grow, I'm finally going to reach the great age of 70 - in January - when my benefit stops growing and I can collect it.  It won't ever be more, so January is the time to switch.  I had scheduled this appointment a month ago out of curiously - what was I going to get at age 70?

Then I received the news that my ex-husband had died on August 14.  Since we were married for more than 10 years, I was technically considered his widow, eligible for widow's benefits.  Certainly more than what I was receiving now.  My list of questions to ask this morning changed.  

When I arrived at the office, I was taken back into the office, not in front of one of the windows where you sit and talk through the glass with the SS employee.  I sat down across from Frank, who was very friendly and talkative.  He wanted to know my name, birth date, address, why I was in New Mexico if I had a California address, etc. etc.  I practically told him my life story.  Certainly appropriate questions since I was there to get some personal financial information.  He stood up and said he'd be back, and after a while he came back with some reports.  

He said he believed I was who I said I was, but information had been submitted to the SSA that I was deceased.  My account had been closed and I had no more monthly deposits scheduled.  

I am so glad I made that appointment!  Frank said he would have time before the usual deposit on the third Wednesday to "resurrect" me and see that my account was again open and functioning with my deposit this month increased to my "widow's benefit."  

It turns out MY benefit, because I let it grow until age 70, will be greater than Jim's was when he took it at age 62, so I'll have to make another appointment  in December to switch Jim's over to mine.  Then that's it forever, or until I reach 105 and die, whichever comes first.  :)

Interesting, huh?   

And FYI - this I didn't know - if a person takes 1/2 of a spouse's Social Security at full retirement age like I did, they get 1/2 of the spouse's full benefit.  But a widow's benefit is exactly what the deceased was earning at the time of death.  In my case, since Jim took his benefit at age 62, that's what I get - not his FULL benefit - a difference of about $600 a month.  So, for those of you who haven't started collecting SS yet, it could be important when you DO start.  It might affect your spouse down the road if they are the lower earner.   Every month you don't collect your Social Security after age 62 adds to the monthly benefit.  All the way to age 70.  If any questions, since I'm not an expert nor an employee of SSA, call them.  They are really friendly and don't mind taking the time to answer any questions.  1-800-772-1213


From the end of May until the 1st of September I've been at Storrie Lake except for a brief stay at Bluewater Lake State Park and one night at Heron Lake State Park.  It's definitely been "The Summer at Storrie Lake."  Katie and I had such a good time with all our friends, Jeanne, Nancy, Annie and Roxi - and also meeting up with new friends, Renee and Patti.  And of course, John.   Farmer John with all his chicks.  It's been really fun getting to know you all and/or getting to know you better.  A Wonderful Summer, for sure!

On our walk the other day Jeanne and I decided Riley should try out Katie's Stroller.  He LOVED it.  So cute.  :)

Katie and I both made new friends a few days before we left the lake, Patti and her three little pups.  They are just darling, and she walks them all together.  Katie got along really well with them, they were just her size. 

Patti's saying - they won't look at you.  All four dogs looking up at Patti - I thought this was cute:

Okay, here we go...  everyone look at the camera:

They were very interested in each other and there was a lot of nose to nose greeting and (the other end) sniffing going on.  Katie doesn't usually meet up with dogs whose butts are low enough for her to sniff.  Patti's dogs were very friendly.  Aren't they adorable?

I thought this was a great looking grasshopper - he was on Katie's stroller when I was packing up.

That's it for now - we're in Santa Fe doing some errands for a couple of days.  It's HOT.  I went to Sam's Club and got a bag of four large Artichokes.  I boiled one of them and it's cooled off a bit and is sitting right in front of me, ready to go - so I'm done blogging for now.  LOL  YUMMMMM!

From me and Katie, have a great Wednesday, everyone!

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