Repost. Award (July 1, 2014) to the series of publications on ecology, environmental science. Diploma
At a recent conference 'Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations' (Moscow, July 1), Diplomas (Academy of Water Sciences) were awarded to the series of publications on ecology, environmental science.
Key words, Tags: Diploma, award, innovations, ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY, toxicology, ecotoxicology, surfactants, detergents, organisms that are filter-feeders, water, filtration, water self-purification, water quality, aquatic, ecosystem, hazards, pollution, water purification, discoveries
These are the publications that were awarded:
These are the publications that were awarded:
Doklady Biological Sciences, 362, (1998): 454; 371, (2000): 204-206; 372, (2000): 286; 374, (2000): 514; 377 (2001): 139-141; 378, (2001): 248-250; 379, (2001): 341-343; 379, (2001): 378-381; 380, (2001): 492-495; 380, (2001): 499-501; 381, (2001): 559-562; 382 (2002): 18-21; 382, (2002): 18-21; 383, (2002): 127-130; 383, (2002): 141-143; 383 (2002): 147-150;385, (2002): 377-379; 390, (2003): 252-255; 396, (2004): 206-211; 425 (2009): 133-134;425, (2009): 180-182; 428, (2009): 444-447; 431, (2010): 124-127;
Hydrobiologia, 469, (2002): 117-129; 469, (2002): 203-204; 500, (2003): 341-344;
542, (2005): 275-286;
Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2000, 55, (4): 7-15; 2004, 59 (1): 26-35; 2007, 62 (4): 176-179;
Rivista di Biologia Biology Forum, 1998, 91 (2): 221-232; 2003, 96 (1): 159-169; 2004, 97 (1): 67-78;
Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, 1(1): 147-152; 2008, 1(2): 238-244; 2010, 3 (4): 369-373;
Vestnik RAN (Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk), 2003, 73(3): 232-238; 2004,74 (9): 785-791;
Water Resources, 2004, 31(5), 502-510; 2005, 32 (3): 305-313;
Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420;
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761; 2011, 81(13): 2688-2693; 2013, 83 (13): 2614-2617;
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1977, 67 (2): 287-297; 1978, 75(3): 289-297; Russian Chemical Reviews, 1991, 60(3): 265-265;
Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2003, 29(4): 262-263;
FEBS Letters, 1973, 31(1): 27-30;
Biology Bulletin - Russian Academy of Sciences [Izvestiia - Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriia Biologicheskaia], 2001, 28 (1): 95-102;
Microbiology [Mikrobiologiia], 63, no. 2, (1994): 140; Herald- Russian Academy of Sciences [c/c of Vestnik - Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk], 2003, 73(2): 164-169; Proceedings - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 29, Part 2 (2005): 1072-1074;
Water Resources, 2004, 31(5), 502-510; 2005, 32 (3): 305-313;
Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420;
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761; 2011, 81(13): 2688-2693; 2013, 83 (13): 2614-2617;
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1977, 67 (2): 287-297; 1978, 75(3): 289-297; Russian Chemical Reviews, 1991, 60(3): 265-265;
Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2003, 29(4): 262-263;
FEBS Letters, 1973, 31(1): 27-30;
Biology Bulletin - Russian Academy of Sciences [Izvestiia - Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriia Biologicheskaia], 2001, 28 (1): 95-102;
Microbiology [Mikrobiologiia], 63, no. 2, (1994): 140; Herald- Russian Academy of Sciences [c/c of Vestnik - Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk], 2003, 73(2): 164-169; Proceedings - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 29, Part 2 (2005): 1072-1074;
and in the books:
Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects; Biological Effects of Surfactants; Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy; Introduction to biochemical ecology;
These publications are in the data base of the World Catalog,
e.g., see the list:
List of Publications at World Catalog, Ecology, Environment, Water, Biology, Conservation, surfactants, filter-feeders, aquatic plants, bivalves, Mytilus, bibliography:
This is mentioned at a web page of a Harvard University library,
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Pao Yue-kong Library, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Uppsala University (Sweden)
Explanation of novelty: a series of innovative publications on ecology and water quality. This is relevant to protecting water resources. Discovery of new environmental hazards. New facts and ideas about chemical pollution. New priorities in water safety, water sustainability. Water biodiversity conservation.
Key words, Tags: Diploma, award, innovations, ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY, toxicology, ecotoxicology, surfactants, detergents, organisms that are filter-feeders, water, filtration, water self-purification, water quality, aquatic, ecosystem, hazards, pollution, water purification, discoveries.
This is mentioned at a web page of a Harvard University library,
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Pao Yue-kong Library, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Uppsala University (Sweden)