TYRONE IS FLOORED BY THE TRUTH. Tony offers Fiz and Tyrone £3k by way of compensations and they
accept, much to Jason’s relief. But when Owen spots the old chipboard in a skip outside the house he
tells the couple it was far too thin to be used for flooring and well below building regulations. Will Tyrone
realise he’s been duped?
ROB’S STUNNED BY CARLA’S DOUBTS. The doctor tells Peter he’s over the worst and should be ok but
can never drink again. Rob attempts to mask his disappointment. When Carla then confides in him how
Peter told he assumed she killed Tina and therefore Peter couldn’t possibly be the murderer Rob’s
horrified. Can he convince Carla to forget what Peter said or are Rob’s days numbered?
THE VERDICT IS IN ON MAX. Kylie’s subdued when Max is diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed pills.
ELSEWHERE The Rovers cricket team head out for their first practice session. steve’s relieved when Kal’s
son Zeedan arrives and proves to be a brilliant cricketer.
Friday 5th September
JASON’S BETRAYAL CUTS TYRONE DEEP.Tyrone and Fiz burst into the builders yard accusing Jason of
using illegal flooring which meant Tyrone could have died. Jason feels terrible and weighed down with
guilt he tries to explain to Tyrone how the sub-standard boarding was Todd’s idea and he knew nothing
about it. But Tyrone’s incensed and tells Jason he’ll be reporting him to the building inspector and he can
kiss goodbye to his business. Will Jason be able to talk him round?
CARLA THREATENS TO OPEN A CAN OF WORMS. When Carla suggests telling the police what Peter said,
Rob desperately tries to convince her she’d be wasting her time as Peter’s mind was fuddled with drugs.
Will Carla let it drop?
DAVID AND KYLIE FINALLY GET ANSWERS. As Max plays with his birthday presents boisterously,
David and Kylie give him his first batch of medication with trepidation. But when the drug kicks in and he
becomes visibly calmer Carla Kylie’s amazed.
Elsewhere Beth and Kirk enlist Michelle’s services as their wedding planner. Alya is appointed cricket
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