Poll: Americans Reject Isolationism

Photo Credit: jnn1776 (Flickr)

Survey: 69 Percent of Americans Support Using U.S. Troops to Prevent Iran From Getting Nukes -- Daniel Wiser, Washington Free Beacon

A majority of Americans continue to say they want the United States to assume an active role in global affairs after more than a decade of wars in the Middle East, according to a new survey released this week.

Sixty-nine percent of Americans said they would back the deployment of U.S. troops to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Large majorities also favored actions that do not typically involve ground troops, such as air strikes or drone strikes against suspected terrorists, as well as sending U.S. forces to prevent genocide or provide humanitarian relief.

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Update: Poll: Most Americans Want Strong US Global Leadership -- Newsmax

WNU Editor: So much for the argument that Americans are fatigued by a decade of war. The survey is here.

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