Our New Sitting Room ...

Greetings, friends!

Thanks again so much for your kind comments about our new foyer!  Since we're still hanging out here in our entry, I thought I'd share our sitting room.

While we appreciated the builder "upgrading" the sitting area off of the foyer by enclosing it and making it a "study," we decided to somewhat undo that upgrade by opening it back up a bit.

TA DAAAA!  We had a local contractor widen the opening and add columns:

You see, because we have a two story foyer, we just felt that having one simple door really didn't do anything for the space ... we wanted it to have a bit more impact to balance the soaring ceilings.  

THERE, that's better, isn't it?! We're LOVING the change, and it made me excited to really get going to finish the room!  So, come on in our little sitting room, already splashed with Fall!

I've loved the 4 chair configuration for a long time and was happy to be able to do that in this space!  Of course, I have to thank IKEA because of their extremely budget-friendly Ektorp Jennylund chairs!  

They're really comfy and the additional slipcovers (in a variety of colors) are beyond reasonably priced, as well, making it easy to change them out to suit the seasons or your mood!  And, because you're saving so much moola, it makes it easier to add new curtains in a pretty fabric, without the guilt!  

You might remember our bookcase from the sitting room in our old house.  We thought about putting it in the office upstairs in this house, BUT, it's such a great focal point, that we decided to go ahead and keep it downstairs in this room.

Plus, it's a great place to add our Fall goodies!

Our postcard art still flanks the bookcase, with added sconces this time around:

Another piece making an encore appearance from the sitting room in our old house is our accent chest (from Kirkland's):

We look forward to eventually adding art to each side:

A cute, Fall printable added to a frame I had on hand (am locating the source):

Finally, a simple vase full of cotton (from Kirkland's) completes our seasonal look:

And, there you have it ... our little sitting room!  I look forward to continuing our new home tour with you soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by,

I'm partying with:

Savvy Southern Style/WUW

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