Israel's IDF are expanding their use of aerostats

Currently the armed forces are using different types of aerostats equipped with multisensor payloads manufactured by Israeli company RT.According to RT managing director Rami Shmueli,during operation Protective Edge in Gaza in July and August some 13 aerostats were deployed along the border.

The company's aerostats can be deployed at an altitude of 1,150ft for 72h before being pulled down and refilled with helium.Shmueli says the company has developed a larger aerostat, the Skystar 300, which is capable of floating at an altitude of almost 1,500ft while carrying a heavier payload. Capable of being operated at awind velocity up to 40kt (74km/h), the truck-transported aerostat can be refilled within 20min after remaining aloft for up to 72h.

The systems are currently deployed in about 10 different countries around the world, including Israel, Canada, United States, Russia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Thailand, Columbia, Africa and Russia. They have gained over half a million operational hours.

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