(en) IFA, For The Caribbean Anarchist Federation by Caribbean Anarchist Federation

The Caribbean has been one of the privileged settings where the so called modernity, that 
explosive mixture of capitalism and statism, has shown its least respectable face to the 
world. That persistent and well distributed barbarism, among the agents of the Spanish, 
English, French, Dutch... empires has created, centuries later, a world of detached 
islanders, attentive to the signs of the old and the new colonial metropolis and 
castrated, in many cases, from the possibility to talk among ourselves without tutelary 
mediators. ---- The second half of the twentieth century brought to the Caribbean the 
frenzy for decolonization and [the creation of] "sovereign states" that in sum have become 
another step toward the lack of communication, apparently mitigated in later years by the 
unions and alliances among the Caribbean states. But in any case, it is the union of the 
heads of states that they present to us as "the unity of peoples." It is not, and has not 
been, except for few and beautiful occasions, an alliance of concrete communities or of 
people united in an arduous liberating and anti-authoritative ideal.

The compas from Kiskeya Libertaria in the Dominican Republic and from the Taller 
Libertario Alfredo Lopez in La Habana, have decided to join forces to come together and 
organize ourselves in a Caribbean Anarchist Federation. This Federation aims to combine 
purposes here and now for a society based on the principles we want to apply of 
self-management, voluntary association and mutual aid opposing all social relations based 
on hierarchies, authoritarism and forms of discriminations such as statism, capitalism, 
clacism, sexism, racism, colonialism, urbanism, industrialism, academicism, among 
innumerable manifestations of power more or less institutionalized.

In the face of this framework of dominations we also want to contrapose our response of 
mutual aid, self-management and solidarity with a clear anti-authoritative and libertarian 
spirit. This federative project will not promote a particular form of anarchism 
beforehand, because we don't see anarchism in any of its currents as a dogma; rather, we 
see it as a movement of cohesiveness, of free learning and dedicated towards the world we 
want without oppression, exploitation, sacred authorities or paralyzing orders.

In that sense, this Federation will work for solidarity and self-management and for the 
creation of cooperative projects among those peoples and collectives that coherently 
self-identify as "anarchists," but also among those who without proclaiming an anarchist 
condition, live and work on a daily basis and in any setting, under the community-driven 
and liberating spirit shown in their actions without shepherds and flocks, or leaders and 

Defining the geographical limits of the Caribbean has been a difficult for various social 
sciences. However, for us this isn't a problem, but a possibility. The Caribbean region is 
not only formed by its islands or the adjacent mainland territories, the Caribbean exists 
there where there are those who feel and suffer its contradictions and inequalities. The 
Caribbean also exists where there are friends and compa?erxs who share its ideas, feelings 
and struggles.

For this reasons, those of us who encourage this Caribbean Anarchist Federation will work 
hard toward integrating with compas from Central American, from where in 2010 the first 
attempt towards a federation that we know of in Central America and the Caribbean was 
born, through the compas from the Colectivo La Espiral and their magazine La Libertad in 
San Jos?, Costa Rica.

From the Colectivo La Espiral we should carefully take on the suggestions that to create 
a regional federative process "it's important to first strengthen the local processes of 
formation and influence of a libertarian practice and mentality", but as they themselves 
point out, the regional federation can be "a means to invigorate and strengthen our 
identity (...) always having our feet on the ground"1

What is the meaning of anarchism in our region...? What are its possibilities? Which are 
its limitations and difficulties...? Those are some of the questions that the compas from 
Central America left us four years ago and that could be the subject of dialogues in 
assemblies in any locality as the base of this new effort for regional organizing.

What we dream of is not escorted by the glory of any "objective possibility;" contrary to 
others, we don't believe that negotiating disfigured fragments of our ideals, or putting 
them to indefinite hibernation for better times, we could move forward beyond what we 
already know. We deem necessary every kind of effort that could transfigure into 
reciprocal affection and trust that could in turn become factors of firmer alliances from 
where our federative effort could grow in a safe way.

For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] 
(Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation)2 in the Dominican Republic in March 
of 2015. We call individuals and "delegates" of anarchist collectives in the region to 
join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate 
actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each 
collective according to their location.

Kiskeya Libertaria (Dominican Republic) and Taller Libertario Alfredo Lopez (Cuba)

Contact and information: Cibaolibertario@gmail.com
Web site : periodicoellibertario.blogspot.fr

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