(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Russia, Join the anti-militarist coalition in March of Peace, 21 September! (fr)

 [machine translation]

Anti-militarist coalition calls on leave on march for peace, scheduled for Sunday 
September 21 in Moscow. Moscow group "Autonomous Action" is one of the organizers of the 
anti-authoritarian left column. ---- We invite to join us those who are tired from a long 
bloody "dance" anti-people-and-coming tillage republics and cynical organizers of 
anti-terrorist operations. They solve their financial and reputational issues due to 
deaths of civilians in eastern Ukraine and brainwashed armed men, citizens of Ukraine and 
Russia, many of whom are forced to fight the force of circumstances - lack of money, oath, 
the lack of accurate information. ---- We invite you to our coalition of those who 
understand that in this war, both sides are guilty - or rather, the command of both sides. 
Those who understand that there are no liberators.

We call on our stand in the ranks of those who understand that "small victorious war" 
enriches the already rich and obezdolivaet already disadvantaged. Those who understand 
that this war has brought the people of Donbass only loss - life, health, well-being, 
peace of mind.

We call on the go with us dissatisfied rising food prices as a result of the state of the 
"war of sanctions", all whose spending on health and education are higher in recent years 
(and will be even higher) and who understand that this, too - a direct consequence of the war.

We invite to join us for those whose hopes for the democratization of the Russian and 
Ukrainian society in the course of mass popular movements that shook our country in the 
last three years, did not materialize. Those who see and understand that these hopes have 
almost no chance in the light of the militaristic fever, devouring the lives of people and 
resources of the psyche of the people inhabiting them.
We call on our stand in the ranks of those who are not accustomed to walk in the series 
(and we do not really used to) and does not want to follow the whole life turned into a 
marching, drill and prisyaganie Moloch of war, the state and capital.
We call on the go with us who understand that human life is more important than profit, 
the most important imperial arrogance, the most important pathological desire to rule over 
all a lot of people and cash flows.
We invite all to join us who remember the war in Chechnya, who accompanied her nightmares 
and crimes - bombing civilian neighborhoods, kidnapping, torture and extrajudicial 
killings in Chechnya, and that was in the other regions of Russia - the taking of 
hostages, their mass murder unwillingness of the authorities to negotiate, apartment 
bombings in Moscow and Volgodonsk and other cities, explosions, aircraft, airports and 
train stations, explosions in the subway and buses, death, death, death ... Today from it 
all will not get off with tales of "dashing 90 x ", because today it all becomes quite 
possible our life (life-negative) perspective.
Troops and militias - get out of the Donbass all!
Neither fascism nor imperialism!
So long as men die, the oligarchs are cashing.
Soldiers who refuse to fight!
Down with state terrorism!
All who agree with our vision of the war (and the need to stop it immediately), join 
column Antimilitarist coalition. Gathering participants and participants march will begin 
at 16 am on Pushkin Square, at the beginning of the Passion of the boulevard.
You Will Know Us by the red and black, red, black, purple and rainbow flags, gathered 
Join now!

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